World Health Organization (WHO) Profile picture
We are the #UnitedNations’ health agency - #HealthForAll. Always check our latest tweets for updated advice/information Support WHO:

Sep 21, 2020, 10 tweets

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the @UN's specialized agency for health, governed by 194 Member States. It provides science-based recommendations to protect people's health everywhere.


WHO is committed to achieving better health for everyone, everywhere!

Healthy people can learn, work & support themselves & their families. When people are sick, they struggle & families & communities fall behind.


Thanks to WHO:
There’s a global standard-setting body to bring together the 🌎's top health experts to produce to make recommendations to bring better health to people throughout the world


Thanks to WHO, the 🌍 has an International Classification of Diseases, which enables all countries to use a common standard for reporting diseases and identifying health trends


Thanks to WHO:
The world has the WHO Essential Medicines List


Thanks to WHO:
We have the International Health Regulations - helping countries manage disease outbreaks such as #Ebola or #COVID19



Thanks to WHO:
We have @FCTCofficial - a formidable tool to help reduce disease and death caused by tobacco 🚭


Thanks to WHO:
We have a Global Health Observatory, a powerful tool helping countries chart vital details about who is falling sick, from which disease, and where, so that efforts can be targeted where they are needed most


Without WHO, would the world have eradicated #smallpox, brought polio to the brink, and saved millions of lives from HIV, tuberculosis and malaria?


The WHO mission is to:
✅ promote health
✅ keep the world safe
✅ serve the vulnerable


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