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Sep 22, 2020, 11 tweets

Let’s do some #COVID19 #vaccine #math #thread 🧵

A lot of ppl are talking about the #warpspeed vaccine and it’s potential efficacy. First the term Efficacy- (verb, noun, your mom) 100 ppl got the vaccine, it worked in 40 of them. The EFFICACY of the vaccine is 40%.

Now that we understand that shit let’s throw in another number and make us a fucking math problem.

Remember that R0 or R+ number ppl are still quoting and it seems meaningless now and stupid? Well, that number represents the infection rate of a person. As an example: Chad has harpies (Best auto correct Evaha) and kisses Karen. Karen then gets the Harpies! That’s an R0 of 1.

Ok, mother fucking math time!

Vaccine Efficacy= 50%
R0 of=2

How many ppl do you have to vaccinate to get herd immunity and edification of the Rona? Thanks for

Answer! 100% of ppl

Math the other way...

Vaccine efficacy= 100%

How many ppl do you need to vaccinate to gain herd immunity and eradicate the fucking Rona?

Answer! 50% of ppl!

So you see, the stronger the vaccine, the less ppl have to get. If we have a weak vaccine, it becomes useless because not everyone will get it. If our R0 Number is to fucking high, the vaccine becomes a treatment tool but we never reach herd immunity for fucking years!

Thanks for hanging out while we math

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