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garrison davis, chaos magick appreciator. Writer for It Could Happen Here and other @coolzonemedia shows.

Sep 24, 2020, 41 tweets

Protesters in Portland Oregon take to the streets, protesting against the court ruling in the Breonna Taylor case today. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter #portland

100-200 people in front of the Justice Center in downtown #Portland. A #BlackLivesMatter flag is flying.

#PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor

A Marching Band has arrived. Music plays to the tune of the chants. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Not much has changed the past half hour, the crowd approaches around 400 in numbers. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Three of the “murder holes” on the Justice Center have been boarded over by a protester. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

The crowd is listening to speeches in front of the Justice Center. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

A crowd of about a 1/4 of the size compared to upfront has gathered behind the Justice Center. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Riot police arrived behind the Justice Center and shot off some type of gas, most likely OC. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Gas launched by the police, it get thrown back at them to their surprise. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Fire started and riot declared. The fire is currently no longer burning. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Awning on the Justice Center set on fire. Objects being thrown at windows. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Police fire munitions and advance west. Firework and flare thrown in the police’s direction. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Portland Police Officer runs up to and shoves a medic to the pavement. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

At the Justice Center Federal Agents including DHS have now arrived, they dismantle a homeless camp as they push protesters out of the Park. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Federal Agents marching further west on Main Street, farther from Federal property. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Protesters with umbrellas as shields face off with incoming teargas canisters shot off their way. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Very vague announcement under fire from impact rounds-
“This Portion of Downtown is Closed.” #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

This is possibly the farthest feds have marched into Portland. From the Justice Center to 9th Ave and north about two more blocks. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

As the Federal Agents pull back they shoot off more teargas into Portland. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

The Imperial March plays as police officers march in the streets. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Riot Cops wait till the Imperial March ends before they start their bull rush. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Cops tell multiple people marked press to move back “30 feet.”

We are on the sidewalk against a building. Also police cannot disperse press due to the federal TRO that is still in effect for PPB. #PortlandProtests #BLM #PDX #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Portland Police transferring arrested protesters into the Justice Center. #PortlandProtests #BreonnaTaylorMatters #BreonnaTaylor #BLM #PDX #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter  #portland

Safe and out of downtown.

At the very least CS and OC were used tonight.

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