Luciano Lucas Profile picture
Mostly talks about AI, Microscopy, Humanism, STEM, Arts, and Love. Husband, Father, leading R&D and growth @LeicaMicro + @AiviaSoftware 🏄‍♂️⛷🥾🏃‍♂️🗻

Sep 30, 2020, 17 tweets

Excited to introduce #3DRCAN for denoising, super resolution and expansion microscopy. Super proud of this colab with Hari Shroff, Jiji Chen et al.

@NIBIBgov @arpcomplex



#microscopy #aimicroscopy #aivia


"Three-dimensional residual channel attention networks denoise and sharpen fluorescence microscopy image volumes"

J Chen, H Sasaki, H Lai, Y Su, J Liu, Y Wu, A Zhovmer, C Combs, I Rey-Suarez, H Chang, C Huang, X Li, M Guo, S Nizambad, A Upadhyaya, J Lee, L Lucas, H Shroff.

We are particularly interested in characterizing the limits of #deeplearning based approaches to image restoration. You will find several experiments comparing several best-in-class approaches: #3DRCAN, #CARE, #SRResNet and #ESRGAN.

#microscopy #aimicroscopy #iSIM


Firstly, we looked at how #3DRCAN and other #DL based approaches behave when denoising iSIM images depicting a range of organelles, including: Actin, ER, Golgi, Lysosome, Microtubule, Mitochondria.

#microscopy #aimicroscopy #cellbio #deeplearning #superresolution


We were also interested in finding out the lowest level of illumination (and lowest SNR) for which #3DRCAN could still "work", i.e. create a good quality restoration. Imaging done on an iSIM.

#iSIM #microscopy #aimicroscopy #cellbio #deeplearning #bioimageanalysis #aivia


Now that we had nicely restored images (good performance in terms of SSIM and PSNR), we detected and analyzed mitochondria. This was nearly impossible when using the raw/input data.

#microscopy #aimicroscopy #cellbio #deeplearning #bioimageanalysis #aivia #3DRCAN


We then applied the trained #3DRCAN to live cell imaging data (4D). As a result we could study fusion and fission (as imaged by iSIM) events in mitochondria over long time lapses.

#microscopy #aimicroscopy #cellbio #deeplearning #bioimageanalysis


Secondly, we wanted to determine if #3DRCAN could be used for other types of super resolution microscopy - we used paired Confocal<->STED 3D data sets to train our models. Imaging done with a Leica SP8. @LeicaMicro

#STED #superresolution #aimicroscopy #microscopy


The trained #3DRCAN was applied to raw confocal data (incl. nuclear pores, microtubules and DNA), greatly improving (~2-fold) the spatial resolution. Imaging done with a Leica SP8. @LeicaMicro

#STED #superresolution #aimicroscopy #microscopy


Ultimately, we wanted to perform fast 4D confocal imaging and "convert" the raw data to STED-like images. So, we applied the trained #3DRCAN to live cell 3D (confocal) data sets. See 👇

#STED #superresolution #aimicroscopy #microscopy


Lastly, we tested whether it was possible to further increase the resolution of iSIM (itself a #superresolution microscopy modality). To do this, we used expansion microscopy to generate the GT we needed to train #3DRCAN for this task.

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#3DRCAN was shown to improve both the lateral and axial resolution of iSIM images. Moreover, the improvement in resolution was superior to deconvolving the raw images.

#iSIM #ExM #superresolution #aimicroscopy #Microscopy 12/17

As with the other key experiments, we successfully tested out the trained #3DRCAN on live cell 3D data sets. In this case we imaged mitochondria and microtubules using iSIM.

#iSIM #ExM #superresolution #aimicroscopy #Microscopy 13/17

Disclaimer: this being a twitter thread, a lot of the details are missing - you are most welcome to review the pre-print. Your suggestions and input are welcome.


You can train your own #3DRCAN models and/or test out the ones we have described here. See… There are also some test images there. Let us know if you have any questions and/or suggestions.

#python #opensource #openaccess #OpenScience #aimicroscopy


Note to Aivia users: in the very short term all the models described in the #3DRCAN preprint will be available in #Aivia, #AiviaWeb and #AiviaCloud.


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