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Just doing some digging. #Pain is extremely nuanced. And the approach should also. W my kids #health & #pain there has been continued lack of knowledge, assumptions, & unwillingness to understand.
➡️#Anatomy of those that had #TPAIT & lack of understanding
by many docs 1
how this can impact #pain
➡️ Not identify or understanding impact of #MalabsorptionSyndrome
➡️Assumption that removal of #pancreas should immediately ‘solve’ issue of #ChronicPain
➡️ #GastricEmptying issues
➡️ Age of my kids (too young to have #pain)
➡️ Lack of 2
understanding & identification of #MedicalTrauma
➡️T3c #Diabetes
➡️ Impact of #NASH on #pain & options for #care

There are numerous factors that are critical in #Treating an #ChronicPain in #Individuals. They list of few listed above that are factors w my kids, have often 3
Read 8 tweets
#BuzzWords in #Healthcare that often mean nothing: #PatientEngagement, #PatientCenteredCare #SharedDecisionMaking
Studies have demonstrated for years that IF #patients are #authentically involved in #care outcomes are better, yet, too often the above words thrown out to 1
attract, yet no actions follow.
How often have you been asked your desired outcome of #Healthcare?
How often are you asked about barriers to healthcare or recommendations?
How often are plans focused only on med issue?
How often do you feel your #voice is truly #valued in 2
your own #careplanning?
How often do you feel there is collaboration between all doctors OR do you feel at times doc have competing or conflicting recommendations?

#Patients voice should be central. #LetMeHearYourVoice 3
Read 4 tweets
I am sympathetic to #medical professionals as well as to #MentalHealth providers, however, IF you have uttered ☝🏼 of following statements or engaged in ☝🏼 of following behaviors you may want to reassess your #profession:

- ‘I am sorry you are to complex, complicated, we 1
can’t help you’
-‘You don’t want help bc you did not do x, y, or z’
-If you are unable to truly #Listen
-If you are unwilling to continually assess if you are negatively impacting situation
-If you use manipulation
-If you feel person & or family should not have #voice in 2
planning - it should be central.
-If you are unable to discuss difficult topics/concern w person & or family.
-If you make assumptions
-If you are unwilling to collaborate with others that support/provide care to person/family
-If you say ☝🏼 thing to person & or family & 3
Read 5 tweets
2 minütige Eingangsstatements im Livestream zum #WissZeitVG.
R. Bachmann versucht Motive der Novelle zu interpretieren.
@AmreiBahr erinnert Bundesregierung an Änderungswillen im Koalitionsvertrag und weist auf Notwendigkeit einer klaren Perspektive hin
Katja Becker hing bei mir leider.

Jetzt Canan Denli (bukof) zu nachteiligen Folgen für #Vereinbarkeit und vor allem für Frauen
Read 69 tweets
Bon. Aller. Je commence un fil spécial #TutoManif. Ça va être le zbeul avec des trucs entremêlés mais si ça peut aider...
Hésitez pas à ajouter des choses en commentaire et/ou utiliser le tag quand vous en voyez...
#GreveGenerale #InactionDirecte Le tag de Banksy avec une maman qui met le masque à son gosse punk pour qu'il aille faire la révolution.  Merci @freaks_dessin pour la retrouvaille et la description d'image  🖤
Read 15 tweets
#covid19 et conséquences de l'abandon des mesures de #prévention pourtant essentielles - un préprint
" Si l'on permet la propagation sans restriction du #sarscov2 dans la population, on inflige à l'ensemble de la société un lourd fardeau d'infection et de #covidlong,
auquel il sera difficile, voire impossible, pour les individus de se soustraire à long terme. "
Alors que tout le monde est focalisé, en 🇨🇵, sur le sujet des retraites personne n'a en tête le coût des handicaps liés, d'autant que jusqu'alors on évite soigneusement de colliger
les données éparses notamment des différents régimes de sécurité sociale pour permettre de cerner avec plus de justesse le phénomène :
🔹combien de personnes incapables de travailler et depuis quand ?
🔹combien de personnes en mi temps thérapeutique ?
🔹combien de pensions
Read 16 tweets
#Firefighters to go on #strike across the #UK after union members vote for action | 1h ago
- More than 80% of members who voted backed strike action across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland when they were balloted last month.…
#UK #Teachers set to #strike after pay #talks with #Tory ministers collapse | Jan 30
- Despite years of falling take-home pay, the government offered most teachers just 5 per cent for 2022-23 — about half the rate of 40-year-high double-digit #inflation.…
Tiny #Britain is sinking.
Who will be on strike on walkout Wednesday? | Jan 30
- 100s of 1000s of workers will go on #strike on Wednesday in separate disputes over pay, jobs and conditions - the biggest day of industrial action in more than a decade.…
Read 26 tweets
Passionnante et nourrissante conférence de @CynthiaFleury titulaire de la Chaire de Philosophie à l'Hôpital sur la #vulnérabilité ()
La vulnérabilité si elle met en chemin celui qui en est porteur (j'aime personnellement beaucoup utiliser la métaphore du
du kintsugi et dire combien nos blessures nous rendent plus beaux et plus forts si on accepte de les panser - et les penser, et de ne pas les dissimuler) engage aussi (logiquement) celui qui n'en est que spectateur, puisqu'elle l'oblige à une compréhension, une acceptation et
à une créativité. C'est donc ainsi tant pour la personne vulnérable que pour son entourage, un possible générateur de compétences et d'innovations.
Intéressante mise en lumière aussi d'un #care, structurel de la société mais dont les pourvoyeurs sont invisibilisés,
Read 11 tweets
Ketogenic diets for mental health come with challenges. Psychiatric conditions can make it difficult to learn and maintain a keto diet. During the adaptation period, some people may experience a temporary worsening of symptoms. 🧵
These people need support, education, and close monitoring to get the best results. Unfortunately, there are many systemic obstacles to seeking metabolic care for mental health diagnoses.
Some systemic obstacles to seeking metabolic care for mental health diagnoses include cost barriers, no billing codes, and clinicians who have opted out of taking insurance. Many do pro bono and reduced-fee work for clients.
Read 4 tweets
#covidlong mais aussi notamment #EM (encéphalomyélite myalgique) : arrêtons le massacre basé sur de simples croyances
Merci à toi @GillesThoni pour cette fidélité à défendre la réalité des atteintes qui ne sont pas psycho-induites comme l'ont d'ailleurs rappelé les spécialistes
de la maladie réunis ce 8 décembre à Nancy sous l'égide de la @SPILF_
La neurologue qui est intervenue sur les atteintes neuro-cognitives a merveilleusement résumé les choses d'ailleurs. S'il y a toujours un impact psy de la maladie chronique qu'il faut accepter, a fortiori
quand douleurs et fatigue sont de la partie, les troubles cognitifs ne sont pas psycho-induits.
Les hypo-métabolismes cérébraux constatés en TEP scan ou IRM fonctionnels ne sont pas une vue de l'esprit.
Pas plus que les atteintes endothéliales, les micro-thrombose etc.
Read 10 tweets
This headline 👇 will be no surprise to anyone who's been following @NHSEngland's plans (and actions) for a while.

But @JonUngoedThomas's article reveals some crucial details about what's intended for your #NHS #HealthRecords that are worth unpacking...… Controversial £360m NHS Eng...
First, and possibly most significantly, is @NHSEngland officials' confirmation that its '#FederatedDataPlatform' will incorporate patients across England's #SharedCareRecords: Health officials confirmed ...
Why is this so important? Because #SharedCareRecords - which every new #ICS* is supposed to have - include your #GPdata, which @NHSEngland has been trying to get hold of for years (most recently last summer)...

*#IntegratedCareSystem explainer here:… Map 1: The 42 integrated ca...
Read 21 tweets
We have 2 requests on our list to tend to before we hit the ground running this week!

If we could get help with the following two request that would be amazing!

This week we have a busy week with a very important announcement that will be coming this weekend! #yyc @cmcalgary
Here are the two requests that we need help with:

Request One:

Senior lady needs help with a #Enmax bill in the amount of $373.09 She also needs help with a few over the counter medications. For a list of what he needs please DM😊

#Alberta #Calgary #Canada #Help #DoGood #YEG
Request Two:

Single mom needs help with some OTC medications cause her two kids are sick. Also needs a special needs hamper that is high in protein/low in salt & contains items that little artificial dyes.

#HelpNeeded #PayItForward #MedTwitter #Help #COVID19 #helpinghand #Care
Read 5 tweets
Arranca el I Congreso Internacional sobre cuidados @acufadeoficial @SocialGobCan @SanidadGobCan @Eurocarers_info @Socgeriatria ImageImage
Ponencia: Cuidados y descuidos en un mundo vulnerable. Image
Ponencia: Valores, identidad y roles en el cuidado. Image
Read 29 tweets
I just got home from a week trying to learn and sing an
opera role in a new version and language, utterly shattered. I sang 23 hours Monday to Friday. I am back in my parents house every day (when I am not away rehearsing or performing) where there is now only my mother. My
Sister Stella and I were there 24/7 -as we are now -all way through lock down until my fathers death from dementia. I have been living like this since Feb 2015 when my mother collapsed with a massive stroke. My sister and I have had no holiday, no break, no unbroken nights sleep,
and most days a week we are up several times a night.
My poor mother who is paralysed on one side and almost blind is fully here mentally, but that is cruel in itself. We simply will not abandon her to strangers, leaving the house she built herself : she would be terrified. My
Read 12 tweets
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Today I was driving in the NE in and around the neighbourhoods when I was about to turn around and head home when I saw someone flag me down.

A older gentleman and his girlfriend asked me if I had any water or anything to eat. @cmcalgary
I pulled over, put my flashers on. I got out to grab them some water and snacks and saw the older gentleman limping & in obvious pain.

When I say hobbling I mean every few steps he stopped to catch his breath because he was in so much pain.

That’s when I said I’d come to them.
I grabbed some bottles of water, snacks, some backpacks, and asked them if they needed anything else.

He told me his bandages had dried to his skin and that he was refused care at a place here in Calgary when he asked for a dressing change.

#homelessness #HomelessCrisis #YYC
Read 22 tweets

So Leona Helmsley , given the title 'The Queen of Mean' by the press - was married 4 times

Her first husband was Leo E. Panzirer (from 1938 until their divorce in 1952) - a Manhattan lawyer…

Let's look at that..
You can read between the lines of this previous 🧵 I've just done on her

So, let's get back to Leo ..

"Leo E. Age 95, died peacefully at home on Friday, June 10, 2005. Beloved husband of Zelda (nee Silberstein)..

Services 10 AM, Plaza Jewish Community Chapel, 91st Street and Amsterdam Avenue. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to American Society for Technion "
Read 32 tweets
#Sustainability and an ethos of #Care – something I am pondering about for quite a while now. Two recent publications offer new insights and inspirations – recommended reads!
#SustainabilityScience #AcademicChatter
“A feminist ethos for caring knowledge production in transdisciplinary sustainability science” offers insights into the work of María Puig de la Bellacasa and relates their ethos of care to #transdisciplinary #sustainability science.…
The authors elaborate on three modes of knowledge production: (1) thinking-with, (2) dissenting-within and (3) thinking-for, and derive concrete actions to produce caring knowledge in #transdisciplinary #sustainability science.
Read 7 tweets
Le déni de la pandémie est un luxe validiste

Le Tribunal Administratif a suspendu l'arrêté municipal du Maire de #Nice qui rendait obligatoire le port du #masque dans les transports en commun.

Notre réaction ⬇️

2/19 - Le TA reconnaît que le port du masque dans les transports "ne paraît pas dénué d'utilité", mais estime que les pièces apportées par le Maire de Nice "ne permettent pas de caractériser l'existence de raisons impérieuses propres à la commune rendant indispensable l'édiction
3/19 - de la mesure (...), ladite mesure n'apparaissant ainsi pas adaptée, proportionnée et nécessaire à l'objectif poursuivi".
Read 19 tweets
Finally, the #GoldacreReview is published! (During Parliamentary Easter holidays, mid-ping-pong on the #HealthAndCareBill...)

It's 221 pages - each PDF page is a double page spread - so this could be a lo-o-o-ong [Thread].

Here goes...
First point to note, in the Terms of Reference (p5), is that this is about "access to #NHSdata by #researchers, #commissioners, and #innovators" - i.e. #Planning and #CommercialReUse - so it is directly relevant to the operation of millions of people's #NationalDataOptOuts... Terms of reference for the review  1. How do we facilitate a
"185 wide-ranging recommendations for us to explore", says @sajidjavid (p6). Gulp! Time for some coffee...

"systems that ensure #underrepresented groups are well represented" may (partly) refer to this "landmark review", which got off to a slow start:… The far-reaching independent review into potential ethnic bi
Read 159 tweets
🆘Simply put Calgary is in crisis🆘

Over night, we had more referrals in for food hampers than EVER before😔

Between our outreach collaboration and our food hamper program…we’re finding it hard to keep up

We need help @Crackmacs @PamirCanadian @mikeonshine #yycroads #YYC #YEG
We need help with 16 families:


A-2 grandparents raising 5 grandkids

B-single dad, 3kids

C-single mom, 3kids

D-3adults, 6kids

E-2 adults, 3kids

F-senior couple

G-2 adults, 2kids

H-2 adults, 6kids

I-single dad, 2kids

J-single dad, 1kid

K-single dad 3kids

L-single mom, 1kid

M-2 adults

N-1 couple with 2 roommates

O-1 grandma, 3 grandchildren

P-4adults, 8kids

@ccmfalberta @Discovery_House @jannarden @ArleneDickinson @DarrenDreger @ABdoc4patients @FisheriesCA @Comfort_Lawyer @albertacomfort @allhailthechief @bifnaked @LtdPrl
Read 8 tweets
A thread on reframing 2022. In May 2020, inspired by @MazzucatoM, @TraversMcLeod & I offered our thoughts on what a post-Covid mission for Australia could look like - given our challenging start to 2022, it’s worth revisiting..… #auspol #missions #care 1/7
2/7 “it would be a huge mistake for Australia to go back to where we came from. We need to reflect seriously on our national capacity before the crisis-the lack of complexity in our economy, diminishing capability across our public sector & the inequity in our communities #auspol
3/7 “We have a unique chance to rebuild our uniquely Australian society together, in a way that works for all, including our most disadvantaged, and makes us better prepared for systemic shocks” #auspol #care
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re: #care cap in #HealthAndCareBill, procedural point is that gov is trying to make significant unforced policy change by introducing an am. to its own Bill *at report stage* i.e. *after* committee stage, when detailed #scrutiny is - in #HouseofCommons - supposed to happen. 1/6
#HealthAndCareBill committee stage finished 2/11, but gov only introduced its amendment 18/11. Gov may point, rightly, to fact that report stage is now 2 days (original plan was only 1). But this is no substitute for committee stage, when a committee can take expert evidence. 2/6
In these circs, when new policy is added at this stage, MPs ought to have the option of getting a Bill re-committed to the Public Bill Committee so the new content can be scrutinised in detail - Andrew Dilnot can give his evidence to MPs instead of/as well as @BBCr4today. 3/6
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Ogólnie „wirusy” to lipa. Fagocytoza jest skuteczną metodą obrony przed organizmami chorobotwórczymi, stanowiąc ważny element odporności nieswoistej. Zjawisko fagocytozy odkrył w 1882 Ilja Miecznikow. Zgłosił je w 1883 na 7. Kongresie Rosyjskich Przyrodników i Lekarzy w Odessie.
Od tej pory mówi się o wodniczce pokarmowej. Bakteria, grzyb, pierwotniak zostaje strawiona i wchłonięta do cytoplazmy komórkowej, a niestrawione resztki są wyrzucane na zewnątrz, gdy wodniczka z powrotem łączy się z błoną komórkową. Tak, otrzymujemy egzosom nazywany „wirusem”...
Egzosom nazywany „wirusem” to zjawisko adaptacyjne i ochronne dla zbiorowości mogące powodować odpowiedź immunologiczną jawną lub niejawną. „Wykłady na temat patologii porównawczej stanu zapalnego” Miecznikowa przeczytano w 1891 r. w Instytucie Pasteura i opublikowano w 1892 r.
Read 49 tweets

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