Kym Meyer, Ph.D. Profile picture
Me: HOH #Disabled & #FirstGen HS grad ➡️ PhD Asst Professor @WorcesterState. Priorities: #LanguageDeprivationSyndrome #DeafEd #TeacherShortage #DisabilityRights

Nov 29, 2020, 28 tweets

Starting a thread describing my research to address the #DeafEd #TeacherShortage

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@ace_dhh @AACTE @ceasd1868 @NAD1880

2/We know there’s a #DeafEd #TeacherShortage...but what do we DO?? #scicomm

My research comprehensively looked at all teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing (TODHH) in one state. Where do they work? Where were they trained? What are their challenges?

3/ What are THEIR ideas for addressing the #DeafEd #TeacherShortage (hmm...asking teachers their opinions on education issues. Novel concept🧐)

4/ Goal: survey EVERY teacher working with #DeafEd students in the state (#deaf schools and itinerant teachers). Due to #COVID19, I couldn't access @HMS1869 (but a few #BostonPublic TODHHs responded when they received the survey from others). Primary work location responses:

5/ Who completed the #DeafEd #TeacherShortage questionnaire?

6/ MA teachers are highly educated (most have master's degrees in #DeafEd). Most work in #DeafEd schools. Itinerant teachers make up the largest number (either employed by #DeafEd schools or by school districts), however, remember that Horace Mann teachers were not surveyed.

7/ SUPER CONCERNING: 32% of Massachusetts TODHHs graduated from a #DeafEd teacher prep program that no longer exists. Our (AMAZING!) in-state @BUDeafStudies teacher prep program only accounts for 27% of currently working TODHHs.

8/ MORE concerning: 95 survey respondents (out of 119) identified when they would leave #DeafEd classrooms: Nearly 20% by 2024. 46% by 2030. (this survey was completed BEFORE the COVID pandemic closures)

9/Interesting finding: average age to be a teacher: 16.5; average age they wanted to teach #DeafEd: 21 (sig).

MOST hearing TODHHs fell into #DeafEd completely by accident. Teachers who were DHH themselves were explicitly encouraged to become TODHHs (needs further exploring).

10/Interviews further explored working in #DeafEd and becoming a TODHH. These were quotes from hearing teachers:

11/ More quotes from a #Deaf and #HardOfHearing teacher working in #DeafEd (both of these teachers attended mainstream schools):

12/Q2: What are the challenges to becoming certified in MA?
☑️MTELs (passing state licensing tests for DHH AND hearing teacher candidates)
☑️$ and time to take/re-take these tests
☑️"Duplication frustration" - taking MA tests after passing licensure requirements in other states

13/Q3: Level of satisfaction for different subsets of Massachusetts TODHHs in their work? Overall #DeafEd teachers❤️what they do!

They❤️the students they work with, ages & levels (early childhood, elementary, secondary, itinerant, working with deaf w/disabilities).

14/Q4: What ideas do current #DeafEd teachers have to address the Massachusetts #TeacherShortage (Recruitment and Retention responses are compiled from survey and interviews)

15/ As @janewestdc taught me - there always needs to be a policy implications section to your research.

We needs to make a plan. We know that there’s a #DeafEd shortage. We can’t just assume that the shortage will take care of itself with a little extra advertising.

16/ To increase the #DeafEd pipeline, we need to have coordinated collaboration between national organizations (@ceasd1868 @nasdse @NAD1880 @NationalDeafCtr), teacher prep programs (@ace_dhh @TED_CEC @AACTE @GallaudetEDU @DsdeLamar @BUDeafStudies @RITNTID ) & #DeafEd schools

17/ This #DeafEd team can review, adapt & implement research-based solutions created by organizations to address #SPED, general education, and #BIPOC #TeacherShortages (i.e., @CeedarCenter @LPI_Learning @Latinos4Ed)

I have resources. Don't reinvent the wheel...

18/ If we keep going the way we're going...fewer teachers will graduate and more #DeafEd programs will close

(oops...I forgot to include the historical decline of DeafEd programs and graduates...I'll do that in the next tweet)

19/ A super-boring table, but important data to know. Again...if we keep doing what we've been doing, what will the number of #DeafEd graduates decline to in 2030? 😱

Another policy approach is coordinated funding advocacy for #DeafEd teacher training

21/ That's all for happy to participate in the #ResearchToPractice process to make things better for our #DeafEd teachers and students.

Ok...not finished. Tweetable solutions to address the #DeafEd #TeacherShortage will be added here. Stay tuned for a website of resources...

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