🔷Results of the forensic audit by 'CIA & DHS' Reveals: #DominionVotingSystems is Designed w' inherent errors to create systemic fraud & influence election results. Final confirmation of all my allegations‼️
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @RudyGiuliani
🔷A Security Operations Group comprised of Professionals from DOD, Secret Service, DHS & @CIA conducted the inspection They have a wide variety of cyber & cyber forensic analysts & conduct work on dark & deep web & novel network security applications & have patents for such.2⃣
🔷The DVS system INTENTIONALLY generates an ENORMOUSLY high number of ballot errors which are then transferred for adjudication. The INTENTIONAL errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots w' no oversight, no transparency, & no audit trail, leading to #VoterFraud.
🔷CONCLUSION: = Based on our study, we conclude that the #Dominion Voting System should not have been used in #Michigan. We Also conclude that the results of the #AntrimCounty should not have been certified.
🔷3 DIFFERENT counts for the same votes & once all said & done a 120% difference in votes for #Trump. The result is so completely different that all possible errors are ruled out, this was a completely fraudulent RIGGING, CRIME!
🔷These CIA EXPERTS concur that there was NO HUMAN ERROR as the #DemocRAT SOS LIED it was, but it was because of BUILT-IN voting software designed to create many errors to then be sent to manual adjudication to then be RIGGED in CRIMINAL FEDERAL CRIME. #JocelynBenson LIED.6⃣
🔷The allowable #Election error rate established by the #FEC is ONLY 1 in 250,000 ballots, 0.0008%. But the machine's error rates were DELIBERATELY set up to 68.05% OVER 2 out of 3 were reading errors then sent to adjudication to be CRIMINALLY RIGGED. A FATAL ERROR in integrity7⃣
🔷They have ruled that the #AntrimCounty #Elections are NOT CERTIFIABLE, & it's a result of SOFTWARE error, NOT human error. It's the MACHINES, NOT a clerical error as #JocelynBenson LIED it was. Out of 15,676 individual data events, 10,667 were errors sent to adjudication.8⃣
🔷In #CentralLakeTownship #Michigan there were 1,222 ballots REVERSED out of 1,491 cast,an 81.96% rejection rate, then sent to adjudication to be CRIMINALLY FRAUDED.The security is deliberately set up to have no audit trail of which adjudicator did the ballots, a Fatal Error 9⃣
🔷"A STAGGERING number of votes went to adjudication. This is a 2020 issue NOT SEEN BEFORE in previous #Election cycles still stored on the server. This is caused by INTENTIONAL errors on the system. Incongruent with other previous years. Gross Negligence, bad faith, WILLFUL"1⃣0⃣
🔷"There is NO WAY this #Election Mgmt system could have passed tests nor been legally certified to conduct the 2020 #Elections in #Michigan under the current laws in Michigan." -All adjudication logs for 2020 were DELIBERATELY DELETED to cover up their CRIMES.1⃣1⃣
🔷Removal of these files Violates State Law & prevents a meaningful audit. They have been manually removed. -All security logs prior to 11:03pm on Nov 4, 2020 were deleted to hide their CRIME. -There is no reasonable explanation for their deletion other than to hide CRIME.1⃣2⃣
🔷On Nov 21 an UNAUTHORIZED user tried unsuccessfully to zero out #Election results. This is ADDITIONAL Federal CRIME data tampering. -The #Dominion CRIME machines tabulation method was changed Oct 23 before election then changed back on Nov 5th. The 2 methods change results1⃣3⃣
🔷This is a FEDERAL CRIME violating the 90 day "Safe Harbor Period" which prohibits changes to #Elections systems without undergoing re-certification. -The ONLY reason to change software after the election is to conceal CRIME & hide errors that would de-certify #Election
🔷#CentralLakeTownship WAS ALSO altered in FEDERAL CRIME manipulating the systems before & after #Elections using two DIFFERENT program versions that changed the results. This is NOT human error. The claims of human error on the #DemocRAT SOS website are LIES to conceal CRIME1⃣5⃣
🔷Internet connectivity was available contrary to LIES by #Dominion that it was not possible, LIES it was not available & LIES by #DemocRATS to the same. This is a FATAL Security flaw & was known, planned & deliberate.1⃣6⃣
🔷The evidence could not be more clear. "SOFTWARE GENERATED MOVEMENT OF VOTES". The errors are so significant & blatant & flaws so massive & obvious manipulation so damning, that the results can NOT be certified under legal manner or the law. SAME MACHINES used in 48 counties1⃣7⃣
🔷"We recommend that an independent group should be empaneled to determine the extent of the adjudication errors throughout the state of #Michigan. THIS IS A NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE" Excellent!! CAN NOT CERTIFY, NATSEC ISSUE under 2018 E.O1⃣8⃣
🔷Professor of Math Univ #Michigan & #Venezuela discovered the algo used to RIG their #Elections & precise location in processing sequence. 1.37 MILLION votes were flipped. Our investigation shows the SAME TACTICS of CRIME which is a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE (EO 2018 Level)1⃣9⃣
🔷#Dominion is #Canadian. FOREIGN. Owned by Staple Street Capital via UBS Securities LLC. 3 of their board members are CHINESE NATIONALS. Dom software is licensed from #Smartmatic which is #Venzuela owned, FOREIGN. Dom servers are in #SERBIA, #CANADA, #SPAIN, #GERMANY 2⃣0⃣
🔷This report just goes ON & ON & shows DOZENS of cases of clear cut FEDERAL CRIME swinging MULTIPLE #Elections for down ballot races,propositions on the ballots,#Schoolboard races,proposals for zonings,& more. Its CRIME after CRIME after CRIME. HOLY SH** u gotta read this.2⃣1⃣
🔷This is the report. There is a LOT MORE also. WOW. Blockbuster. Though not surprised at all & completely expected, their RIGGING was way more than anyone could have expected, the CRIMINAL Dems KNOW it & are FEDERAL CRIMINAL Accomplices FULLY.2⃣2⃣
🔷Када сам објавио први на свету да је софтвер програмиран тако да на свака 3 гласа Трампу додаје по 1 Бајдену сви су ме напали, понижавали и вређали у коментарима. Сада би ред био да се јавно извину.
Thanks to @AOECOIN for the comprehensive report.
♦️Lawsuit to allow the Republican-led Michigan legislature to back the slate of GOP-approved Trump electors is now docketed at THE SUPREME COURT‼️
♦️The suit contains the revealing audit of Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan‼️
♦️Када сам објавио први на свету да је софтвер програмиран тако да на свака 3 гласа Трампу додаје по 1 Бајдену сви су ме напали, понижавали и вређали у коментарима. Сада би ред био да се јавно извину⁉️
♦️Rudy Giuliani: Voting Machines Were “Programmed to Give Biden Somewhere Between 2% and 5% Advantage” (AUDIO)‼️Није тачно. На 25% је програмиран софтвер @RudyGiuliani .
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