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Richard only communicates in person. He doesn't use twitter, telegram, social media, email, msgs, youtube, newspapers, magazines, mail, tv, or radio. Humble❤️🙏

Feb 4, 2021, 54 tweets

"Attacker got away with 2.8m, dai vault lost 11.1m.”


$gro exploited

$raave exploited as well.

Blockfolio users just received this

AVAX inflation bug.

$cream hacked.

Lol, 8 month reorg. Could be lots of rolled back transactions in there.

Lisk wallet users appear to be getting hacked left and right…

#BCH and #BSV delisted from #okcoin

Haha cryptopia just got hacked again while they were in liquidation from bankruptcy from their last hack!

Binance stopped ETH withdrawals. Centralized is as centralized does.

They also stopped all erc20 withdrawals.

#XRP, #ripple buys 10% of #moneygram for $50M then gets abandoned. “Due to the uncertainty concerning their ongoing litigation with the SEC, the Company has suspended trading on Ripple's platform,”

Some DeFi hacks in millions.

NFT punks hacked

Lol at that security audit announcement the same day as the hack.

This just happened $14M hacked. Revoke you furucombo permissions if you were dumb enough to have any.

If you need to revoke permissions.…

$14M rugpull?

$paid exploited apparently.

Here's the guy exploiting in real time…

Cream finance "hacked". Website now asks for your seed words, lol. It's more of a social exploit than a hack perhaps, but in the end, users will get destroyed just the same.

Oh look another one. #REKT

Roll social token network hacked for $5.7M

Coinbase #litecoin insider wash trading.

#nano went down because someone ddos'd it, down for a week I think, still impaired.

#xlm down

Lol. $ren -99%. #ren

Vitalik increased raised the #ETH gas costs 2.7x.

*one of the gas costs.

$81M lost. Admin keys lol.

Turkish exchange exit scam. $600M

$51M rug pull on yet another BSC scam.

$30M exploitted

$10M exploited. BTW I screenshot these so they will survive in case someone deletes a tweet one day in the future.

$17M in hacks this week

This one is being emptied as we speak I think. $14M so far lost

This happens rather too often.

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