COPS Profile picture
Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance, an alliance of people spied on by the #SpyCops of Britain's political secret police.

May 2, 2021, 6 tweets

Great to see #spycops placards and signs at yesterday's #KillTheBill demo in London
The #SpyCopsInquiry hearings recommence on Tuesday morning - catch up on the last few weeks at and

@out_of_lives We don't trust the police.
Nobody can.
We remember the #SpyCops

Check out the new podcast series at

@out_of_lives The police continue to spy on all kinds of campaigners, and curtail our right to protest.
This is why it's important to oppose the proposed new Police Crime & Sentencing Bill...

@out_of_lives These changes must be opposed.

@netpol have launched an urgent petition calling on the National Police Chiefs Council to adopt new guidelines to protect the right to protest – or explain why they refuse to do so.

@out_of_lives @netpol In their words:
Rather than continuing to ask the police and other authorities for greater transparency and getting nowhere, we think it’s time we collectively started offering some solutions of our own. That’s why we’ve developed the Charter for Freedom of Assembly Rights.

@out_of_lives @netpol Fighting the Bill is important, but this will be a long struggle and it goes beyond Parliament.
We need to organise. Sign up to @netpol and join the fight.


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