#イルカショーを絶対見ない! #イルカ殺戮を絶対許さない! Ⓥ🌱 Profile picture
水族館の金は残虐無道に殺されて、奴隷に売買されたイルカたちの血と命から成り立っているものだ。もしあなたがこのような憎悪すべき、罪深い残虐な行為をストップさせたいのなら、水族館をボイコットして真実を人々に伝えて下さい。 #水族館 #イルカ #イルカ天使 VEGAN🌱 📹https://t.co/FMunKj6Mii

May 13, 2021, 6 tweets

#Whales & #dolphins are facing many manmade existential threats: depletion of food by overfishing, drop in birthrates due to industrial pollution, killing by discarded fishnets & plastics etc
#Watch #Seaspiracy. It’s #seas #piracy. It’s #conspirasea

Over 300,000 #whales and #dolphins are killed as bycatch in #fishnets every year. People eating #seafood is the reason that fishing trawlers go to sea & cause these deaths of whales & dolphins. #Boycott #seafood. It’s #seas #piracy
Watch #Seaspiracy

3/6 🦈
Every year at least 50 million #sharks are killed as #bycatch in commercial #fishing. 90% of sharks have been lost in the last few decades. Eating seafood contributes to the bykill of sharks and other #sealife.
#Boycott #seafood
#Watch #Seaspiracy

#Whales, #dolphins & #sharks play a crucial role in keeping the health of the #ocean. Commercial fishing is #sea #piracy that cannot be regulated. You can do your part in keeping the health of the ocean by #boycotting #seafood
#Watch #Seaspiracy

Please ask your government to stop subsidising the #fishing industry. Fishing is unviable for good reason. Don’t let your taxes be used to destroy the #marine #ecosystems & the #lifeforce of the #planet 🌏
Watch #Seaspiracy on #Netflix. #EatPlantBased

We can stop all manmade #extinction threats by #boycotting products that are linked to harm to the #ecosystems & #environment. #Boycott #seafood.
Eat #PlantBasedFood 💚It’s much better for you and planet Earth 🌍
#Watch #Seaspiracy on #Netflix

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