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Apr 12th 2023
#Value proposition. I would like to disclose how we #support our #portfolio companies, because I do believe that neither #investments nor market making are enough, if there is nothing else provided. Our #vision is to be a #partner and friend for our portfolio companies and…… Image
Market making (#MM)- it has three main parts: Market #depth - we add more #liquidity on bid and ask side across exchanges where a token is listed on. Spread - we reduce the spread between the best bid and ask offers by adding more quotes around the middle price in the order book.……
#PR and #marketing - the most powerful tool to boost projects on the #crypto market. We support projects with everything from #media to KOLs, and we can act as an outsourcing marketing agency (spoiler - we will extract our marketing department to an independent company very……
Read 10 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
Feb. 28:
2/ #Russians #Rob #Grain in #Ukraine

In the morning, a #Train of more than 30 #Train #Wagons/[#Cars] was moving from the temporarily #Russian-#Occupied #Zaporozhye/#Zaporizhzhia towards ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Scandal .@ua_parliament…
Feb. 28:
3/ #Russians #Rob #Grain in #Ukraine

..towards the [#Crimean] peninsula.

Similar [#Train] #Wagons/[#Cars] were seen in #Berdyansk in Dec. 2022, taking #Grain out of #Warehouses on the territory ..continued

#UkraineRussiaWar #Crimea #Robbery…
Read 8 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
[THREAD] 15 ans de #SEO : Quand je sors des sentiers battus !

Pratiquant le White Hat depuis mes débuts, je reste curieux du Black même si je ne fais prendre aucun risque à mes clients. Il m’arrive, toutefois, de sortir des sentiers battus.🤫
1) Acheter du trafic pour remonter sur la marque : lorsqu’un de mes clients se lance dans un pays, j’achète des clics géolocalisés, faisant la recherche sur Google locale et cliquant sur l’url qu’on veut faire remonter.
2) #Offuscation de liens : j’ai abusé de cette Technique pendant 15 ans, j’utilise, aujourd’hui, d’autres stratégies pour la réduction de liens doublons ou non contextuels.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
They’ll tell you that ‘we’ the fishermen and our families are labour activists. They’ll tell you that Labour have brainwashed and coerced us. ‘We’ are forcing an anti-freeport agenda. That they’re using us for their political gains.
Shame on them: exploiting political conflict for their own motives to make themselves sleep better at night.

They haven’t. We are not any one political party and we have our own voice - and their voice does not represent ours.
Their empty requests for financial report are a haphazard launched into the abyss so satisfy the media frenzy, to acknowledge that they were never going to consider anything but their own agenda. As if it ever could…
Read 12 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
i’m going to put the information from those images in the form of a thread. let’s get into the ethymology of balenciaga shall we? i will add more information to the thread so if you stumble upon it read the images and whats below them. ImageImage
from baal (bale)

From Late Latin Baal (as in the Vulgate) and Ancient Greek Βάαλ (Báal), from Hebrew בעל (bá`al, “lord, husband”), from Proto-Semitic *baʿl- (“owner, lord, husband”).

bale etymology:
From Middle English bale (“evil”), from Old English bealu, from Proto-West
Germanic *balu, from Proto-Germanic *balwą.
Cognate with Low German bal- (“bad, ill”), Gothic 𐌱𐌰𐌻𐍅𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (balweins, “torture”), Old High German balo (“destruction”), Old Norse bǫl (“disaster”). Image
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Nov 1st 2022
Vous souhaitez voir les annonces de la concurrence sans payer un outil d'analyse ?
#googleads #sea #Ads
Google Ads a ajouté un lien pour plus de « transparence » pour les visiteurs.

Cliquez sur la petite flèche juste à côté du domaine.
Cliquez sur 'Voir plus d'annonces de cet annonceur'
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Oct 9th 2022
Waivers Placements Oct 9 2022
(There's a lot! 64 Total Placements)

Josh Mahura

Cam Dineen
Bokondji Imama
Laurent Dauphin
Jon Gillies

Mike Reilly
Chris Wagner
Nick Foligno

Emil Bemstron

Buddy Robinson
Waivers Placements Oct 9, 2022

Mikhail Maltsev
Anton Blidh

Will Butcher

Givani Smith
Juho Olkinuora
Taro Hirose
Kyle Criscuolo

Devin Shore

Alex Lyon
Michael Del Zotto
Chris Tierney
Gerald Mayhew
Aleksi Heponiemi
Lucas Carlsson
Waivers Placements Oct 9, 2022

Pheonix Copley
Jacob Moverare

Mason Shaw
Nic Petan

Corey Schueneman
Madison Bowey

Mason Geertsen

Mark Jankowski
Jimmy Huntington
Roland McKeown
Kevin Gravel
Jordan Gross
Connor Ingram
Read 6 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
#religion #religionsfrihet #rättigheter
Jacob kommer nu bli otacksam emot mig, fastän han borde vara mer tacksam mot dem som vederlägger honom än mot dem som prisar honom. Jacob tillhör sekternas sekt, #SEA som betjänar sekter. De påstår sig kämpa för den enda sanna tron #svpol
#religion #religionsfrihet #rättigheter
2. Jacob skrivit en bok ”Den första rättigheten” som han menar är religionsfrihet. Den är fylld m citat som visar på lögner falskhet o dubbla måttstockar i Socialiststaten grundad 1919 på mord på demokratin o införande av socialism #svpol
#religion #religionsfrihet #rättigheter
3. Jacob skriver välformulerat på ett språk som tilltalar maktens folk. Det är väl rimligt om man vill påverka politiker.

Han gör ingen analys men utgår okritiskt från att ”rättigheter” finns och att de är bra.

#svpol #svrel
Read 33 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
1/ Dear all, before everyone freaks out complete re the #supply #disruption of #natural #gas to #poland and #bulgaria which was initiated by #gazprom yesterday, i thought i'd make a little explanatory thread.
2/ first, consider poland. it exports about 10 bn m3 annually from russia. Image
3/ however, natural gas is not so important for its primary energy supply. poland still heavily depends on #coal, in particular for its electrical energy production. Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
1/3. The #War Between The #Empire & #Russia.
Ambushing the Flag ship.
Near "#Attacked" #Russian #Cruiser #Moskva
was a #US Boeing P8 Poseidon
anti-submarine aircraft seen on #Flightradar,
noticing #Suspicious #Activity
on the day 👇👇 of the incident.
👉…👈 Image
2/3. The #War is Between The #Empire & #Russia.

April 12, 05:30 CET, the "Day #Before",
Northrop Grumman RQ-4b #Global #Hawk,
"Forte 10", High Altitude Reconnaissance Drone
Cost: $ 222.7 #Million -2013
Was doing a full 👇👇 sweep over the #Black #Sea:
👉👈 Image
3/3. The #War is Between The #Empire & #Russia.

Preparing the #Coordinated #Ambush
of #Russia's #Flag Ship in OPEN #Sea.

April 4, 00:47 CET:
Started from a Rumanian NATO-Base,
USAF RQ-4B 👇👇 FORTE10 now up over the Black Sea:
👉👈 Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
#EXCLUSIVE casino slot tournaments are arguably one of the most sought-after types of online gambling contests. Indeed, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of freerolls offered only to a selected few?

Now, if you think it’s about those #MysteriousWorld upscale promotions…
What we’re about to share with you has nothing to do with breaking the bank in the hope of becoming a grandee and getting invitations to events organized for big spenders only.… No buy-ins, hefty prize pools, US players accepted, and all you have to do is to log into your player account and use a special password… Sounds like a ripper of an online slot tournament. The truth is, such hot ticket offers are not on every corner
Read 6 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
Now Out in Paperback! “#China Goes to #Sea: #Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective”…

@NavalWarCollege @ChinaMaritime is proud to publish this new version w/ @NavalInstitute @USNIBooks!

Come for the #maps, stay for the #history...
Honored to have #JonathanSpence’s endorsement:

“The maritime #history of #China has long been a neglected field..China Goes to Sea bring[s] that knowledge-gap to an end..will be an indispensable companion to those readers seeking to understand where China’s navy may be heading.”
As European #naval powers & even the @USNavy struggle with ship numbers, #China has gone to #sea.

Represents the reversal of a great historical trend that began 600 years ago, when China withdrew from the seas & European naval expansion spread Western influence around the globe.
Read 34 tweets
May 15th 2021
#கடல் May 15 ,2021
தாமதமாகவே கிளம்ப முடிந்தது. இரவில்தான் வந்து சேர்ந்தேன் கடலுக்கு. வந்தவுடன் டென்ட் போடும் முயற்சியில் , 10 ஆண்டு உழைத்த டென்ட் காற்றில் உடைந்து விட்டது. Duct Tape போட்டு பட்டி & டிங்கரிங் முறையில் ஒருவழியாக இரவு கொட்டகையை போட்டு முடிக்க 10 மணியாகிவிட்டது.
வீட்டில் இருந்து கிளம்பும் நேரத்தில் நண்பர் ஒருவரின் சகோதரி இந்தியாவில் கொரோனாவில் இறந்த செய்தி😔. தினமும் ஒரு செய்தி வருகிறது ..நேரில் சென்று ஆறுதல் சொல்லிவிட்டு ஏனோதானோ என்று கிளம்பியதில் முக்கியமான Sleeping Bag ஐ மறந்துவிட்டேன். .
குளிர் & கடற்காற்று ..
வாகனத்தில் எப்போதும் சில emergency சாமான்சட்டுகள் இருக்கும். ரெயின்கோட்,குளிருக்கான தொப்பி இப்படி. அவற்றை வைத்து குளிரைச் சமாளித்து தூங்கி எழுந்தாகிவிட்டது.
Read 72 tweets
May 13th 2021
#Whales & #dolphins are facing many manmade existential threats: depletion of food by overfishing, drop in birthrates due to industrial pollution, killing by discarded fishnets & plastics etc
#Watch #Seaspiracy. It’s #seas #piracy. It’s #conspirasea
Over 300,000 #whales and #dolphins are killed as bycatch in #fishnets every year. People eating #seafood is the reason that fishing trawlers go to sea & cause these deaths of whales & dolphins. #Boycott #seafood. It’s #seas #piracy
Watch #Seaspiracy
3/6 🦈
Every year at least 50 million #sharks are killed as #bycatch in commercial #fishing. 90% of sharks have been lost in the last few decades. Eating seafood contributes to the bykill of sharks and other #sealife.
#Boycott #seafood
#Watch #Seaspiracy
Read 6 tweets
Mar 24th 2021
Ambassador Huang, allow me to recommend:

The #China #MaritimeMilitia #Bookshelf--…

Includes multiple official items from your own government on your nation's #ThirdSeaForce.

China is often more transparent in #Chinese :)

Truth best limits "speculation"
And here's #China's own official state media documenting progress of its #MaritimeMilitia... in plain #English!…

News Channels/China Military News
Maritime militia increases drills, expands in scope
Source: China Daily Editor: Yao Jianing
2016-02-02 17:16
But don't take my word for it, read #ChinaDaily:
"As the People's Liberation Army upgrades its navy, commissioning dozens of new ships under a watchful global eye,a less noticed force,China's maritime militia, is also improving its operational capability."…
Read 14 tweets
Mar 5th 2021
Time to share our new paper published today in @EGU_TC " Diverging #future surface mass balance between the #Antarctic ice shelves and grounded ice sheet". 🥳 Message: The SMB is projected to increase over the grounded ice but to decrease on the peripheral ice shelves. (1/n)
We use our regional climate model #MAR to downscale 2 #CMIP5 and 2 #CMIP6 models that were carefully selected over the #Antarctic ice sheet . From 🌍 to🇦🇶using MAR as 🧐 (2/n)
The surface mass balance (ie, difference between accumulation and erosion at the ice sheet surface) is projected to increase ↗️ due to Global Warming. (3/n)
Read 20 tweets
Dec 24th 2020
#Hydronomastics is the study of #hydronyms, the proper names of bodies of water.

It's a branch of #toponomastics, the study of #toponyms (the proper names of places), which in turn is a branch of #onomastics, the study of #orthonyms (proper names).

French / Luxembourghish sign: The River Sauer in Martelan...
#Hydronym and #hydronomastics both derive from Ancient #Greek ὕδωρ / húdōr (water) + ὄνομα / ónoma (name). The Greek island of Skiatho...
#Hydronyms tend to outlast other #toponyms, even when new #languages and cultures displace earlier ones.

#England, #EastAnglia, #Essex, and #Sussex are named for the #Angles and #Saxons; but #Trent, #Ouse, #Thames, #Severn, and #Avon are older #Celtic and #RomanoBritish names. A map showing the main rive...
Read 173 tweets
Dec 17th 2020

Focus on #China & #Russia = 2 most significant geopol threats to global peace & prosperity—

Clear stakes:

"China has implemented a strategy & revisionist approach that aims at the heart of the US’ #maritime power."…
"... our three #Sea Services have watched with alarm the growing #naval #power of the People’s Republic of #China & the increasingly aggressive behavior of the Russian Federation.

Our globally deployed naval forces interact w/ #Chinese & #Russian #warships & #aircraft daily."
"We witness firsthand their increasing sophistication and growing aggressiveness. ... The People’s Republic of #China represents the most pressing, long-term strategic threat."…
Read 26 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
#FullText of Press Statement by @SecPompeo @StateDept, “U.S. Position on #Maritime Claims in the #SouthChinaSea,” 13 July 2020:

"The United States champions a free & open Indo-Pacific. ..."…

(Maps from @NavalInstitute @USNIBooks)
"Today we are strengthening U.S. policy in a vital, contentious part of that region — the #SouthChinaSea. We are making clear: #Beijing’s claims to offshore resources across most of the South China Sea are completely unlawful, as is its campaign of bullying to control them."
"In the #SouthChinaSea, we seek to preserve peace and stability, uphold #freedom of the #seas in a manner consistent with international #law, maintain the unimpeded flow of #commerce, and oppose any attempt to use coercion or force to settle disputes."
Read 19 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 7/08/2020-2…

The radical technologies to keep offices clear of coronavirus | Free to read | Financial Times…

#technologies #offices #radical #coronavirus
Evictions likely to skyrocket this summer as jobs remain scarce. Black renters will be hardest hit. - The Washington Post… 

#jobs #renters #summer
The Metaverse Is Coming And It’s A Very Big Deal… 

Read 14 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
Thanks to @elisetanyl for inviting me to chat about fundraising during #covid19; the topic of valuation is an interesting one, particularly in the seed stage - some quick thoughts, aimed at the #SEA ecosystem 👇
1/ What's the right valuation for a company? How is it determined? Founders are understandably concerned about dilution, but the reality of the situation is that price is a function of supply and demand
2/ What someone else got for their business and their deal has little to no bearing on what you can get if there is NO DEMAND for your deal.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 16th 2020
Stuck @ home wondering where China & world are headed? Read #TheChinaQuestions—36 @Harvard @FairbankCenter chs. ed. by Profs. @MichaelSzonyi & Rudolf!




See great chapters by Profs. Elizabeth Perry, Joe Fewsmith, Rod MacFarquhar, Mark Elliott, Ya-Wen Lei, Arunabh Ghosh, Yuhua Wang, Arne Westad, Robert Ross, Ian Johnston, Steve Goldstein, Ezra Vogel, Richard Cooper, Dwight Perkins, Meg Rithmire, Mark Wu, Tony Saich, Nara Dillon...
..Michael McElroy, Karen Thornber, Susan Greenhalgh, James Robson, Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp, Bill Alford, Bill Kirby, Michael Puett, Rowan Flad, Peter Bol, Wai-Yee Li, David Der-wei Wang, Jie Li, Stephen Owen & Paul Cohen!

Honored to join them in this @FairbankCenter project!
Read 51 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
#Europe is the midst of its #5G decision, with all eyes currently set on Germany. But there is a second crucial theatre for 5G competition that regrettably gets very little attention: #SoutheastAsia. Thread:
Right at China’s doorstep #Huawei has a long history and market share dominance in the strategically important region. Of the ten @ASEAN countries only Singapore & Vietnam have so far opted for Huawei’s competitors. 1/7
For the less affluent #SEA states cost-benefit calculation is central & so far pretty clear: Huawei is cheap & offers leading technology. For them costs are less tangible: Some #SoutheastAsian states rely on #US security. But how will US react to UK decision? Will it at all? 2/7
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Oct 12th 2019
Always a delight to speak with ⁦@xenditco⁩ ‘s Moses and Tessa #scaling #TIAconference #SEA #tech Image
@xenditco 1/ When do you start scaling? When you have Product Market Fit. What does PM Fit "feel" like? Imagine someone took 2 fingers, stuck them in your nostrils, and yanked hard, upwards. That's demand pull! HT @zealoustiger for this pic
2/ On the topic of scaling, we discussed life pre-scaling (optimize your company activities around experimentation pace) and post-scaling (optimize your company around the ability to grow).
Read 9 tweets

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