Brendan May Profile picture
Sustainable business entrepreneur. Advisor to multinational firms around the world. Advocate for pragmatic, fact-based environmentalism. Music lover.

Jul 15, 2021, 7 tweets

Houses disintegrating into the river in the Eifel region of Germany.

With the Amazon now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs, this is no surprise.

The surprise is that some people think we have until 2050 to fix this.
#ClimateCrisis #sustainability 🌎🔥

Same picture in Limburg, Netherlands. 🇳🇱

And also Liege, Belgium.🇧🇪

More from Belgium, shot at 6am this morning. 19 now confirmed dead in Germany and dozens missing. We simply don’t have until 2050. #ClimateCrisis

Dharamshala, India 🇮🇳, two days ago. It’s everywhere, just like #COVID19

Flagstaff, Arizona, yesterday. Seeing a pattern yet? #ClimateCrisis

“Greener energy is too expensive”.

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