Christy Staats Profile picture
Working for immigration reform. Bibles, Badges and Business @NatImmForum ❤️ my dog 🇺🇸🇬🇧 competitive parallel parker @andcampaign Akron chapter

Aug 4, 2021, 9 tweets

I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 1 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19

I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 2 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19

I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 3 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19

I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 4 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19

I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 5 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19

I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 6 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19

*I believe I made a typo. Irish blamed for cholera

I have some things to say to @GovAbbott and @SenTedCruz I made you a slide deck. 7 (of 7) #immigrants #migrants #covid19

Jesus said in John 8, "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Jesus is the Truth, the Way, the Life. He is not pleased when you spread falsehoods scapegoating those fleeing terrible things and seeking our mercy.

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