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Sep 10, 2021, 15 tweets

Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay 

#Suicide is a global public health issue.
All ages, sexes and regions of the world are affected.

There is a lot we can do to prevent suicide

Do you know someone who may be considering #suicide?
Reach out. Offer help.
Let them know you care.



1 in 100 deaths is by #suicide.

Every year, more people die as a result of suicide than HIV, malaria or breast cancer - or war and homicide.



If you feel like life is not worth living, reach out for help.

You are not alone.



At risk of #suicide:
-People who previously tried to take their own life
-People with depression/alcohol/drug problems
-People suffering from emotional distress/chronic pain/illness
-People who have experienced violence/abuse/other trauma
-People who are socially isolated

Research has shown that many people who die by #suicide have seen a #HealthWorker in the previous month.
Therefore, 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️ have an important role to play in recognizing, assessing & supporting people who are at risk of suicide.

If you feel like life is not worth living, reach out for help.
You are not alone.



For many young people, the teenage years are a time of exploring opportunities & freedoms, but they can also be a time of anxiety about academic performance, relationships & the future.

This is what 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 can do to help prevent #suicide among teenagers.

In 2019, among young people aged 15-29, #suicide was the 4th leading cause of death after road injury, tuberculosis and interpersonal violence.



and other emergency responders are often the first on the scene of a #MentalHealth crisis or #suicide attempt.
If you are a 👮or 👩‍🚒, this is how you can you help someone in a crisis situation.


Do you know someone who may be considering #suicide?
Learn the warning signs.
Reach out. Offer help.
Let them know you care.



It's difficult to talk about #suicide.

But talking openly about suicide can help prevent it, allowing time to rethink and consider options.


Work can be good for #MentalHealth, but a negative working environment or work-related stress can lead to physical & mental health problems.

This is what employers can do to help prevent #suicide among employees


Key ways to prevent #suicide:
🚫restricting access to means
👨‍💻educating the media on responsible reporting
🙋‍♀️building life skills among young people to cope with life stresses
👁 early identification, management & follow-up of people at risk of suicide

WHO's #SuicidePrevention resource for filmmakers aims to help everyone involved in the production of #suicide & self-harm content for TV, cinema & theatre to maximize the positive impact of their work & reduce the risk of potential harmful effects

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