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Sep 10, 2021, 9 tweets

#LIVE: Hans Grundberg delivers his first briefing to the Security Council in his capacity as new @UN Special Envoy for #Yemen (@OSE_Yemen)

#LIVE: @OSE_Yemen: The epicenter of the military confrontation has shifted over time with combatants taking turns on the offensive. Since early 2020, the focus has been on the #Houthi's #Marib offensive in which thousands of #Yemenis have lost their lives

#LIVE:@OSE_Yemen: The UN and the international community has been clear in its message: The #Houthi's offensive on #Marib must stop

#LIVE: @OSE_Yemen: We all have a shared responsibility in our different capacities for ending the conflict in #Yemen. The beginning of my tenure should therefore be used as a moment to reassess our respective responsibilities

#LIVE: @OSE_Yemen: I will shortly travel to #Riyadh to meet with President Hadi and other members of the #Yemeni government. I also look forward to meeting with #Houthi leadership and other Sanaa-based
actors, as well as other political actors in Yemen

#LIVE: @OSE_Yemen: My office and I stand ready to spend as much time in #Yemen and with Yemenis as possible. I will return to the Security Council each month to reflect frankly on these discussions. I will seek your support to take my mandate forward

#LIVE: Representative of #China at the UN Security Council condemns the recent #Houthi attack on Abha airport

#LIVE: @NDeRiviere: #Houthis need to cease their inexcusable actions and we condemn their actions. #Houthi blackmail concerning SAFER is unacceptable. If they don't allow access to it, they will be responsible for one of the biggest ecological disasters

#LIVE: Richard Mills: Sadly, the #Houthis continue to undermine peace efforts and the #US strongly condemns the militia for more than 140 attacks on #SaudiArabia

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