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investigative journalist (NCTJ)🕵🏼 | communications manager 💻 | propaganda buster💥| freedom seeker 🌸 | individualist🕹| thread specialist🧵

Oct 6, 2021, 21 tweets


The Tory Party, as it has done throughout the pandemic, is continuing to use communication techniques to push an agenda:

The Great Reset — #BuildBackBetter

Here’s how they do it, & why we all need to raise awareness of these deceitful tactics👇🏻

If you want a flavour of what Britain’s leading political party is now pushing, you only have to analyse its packed conference schedule #CPC21 which (thankfully) ends today.

Over the 4 days, there were 340 conference sessions, panel debates, & themed stands

From the 340 sessions, almost a third (31.9%) had the following words in the title:

• Levelling up: 10.3%
• Build Back Better (or variation): 4.1%
• Green/climate change/environment: 5.8%
• Carbon/Net zero: 7%
• Covid/pandemic: 4.7%

These are today’s closing speeches…

Bear in mind that this is the party which claims to be a “conservative” movement & which won large swathes of working class British voters at the last GE.

Is this the agenda these people want pursued?

I’ll leave you to digest that question & those figures on the previous tweet.

Sessions included ones like these: “how AI is tackling coronavirus and revolutionising UK healthcare” and “driving a Green Industrial Revolution”. There were also stands by the likes of Facebook and Microsoft. Because, you know, this is the party of the little person remember?

As you’ve seen, “levelling up” was the most commonly used keyword at #CPC21.

Hardly surprising, supporters would argue, given it was part of a pledge at the last election.

And yet as we see here, the phrase is also commonly used in Davos circles, too. Just a coincidence, maybe?

The more troubling phrase is #BuildBackBetter which has starred for the Conservative Party for months. Here it is on the front cover of their growth strategy where Johnson states “we must grasp the historic opportunity before us.”

Why’s it troubling? I’m about to tell you why.

Because — & this is important — *it isn’t their phrase*.

Build Back Better is the strapline of the World Economic Forum’s The Great Reset — which the MSM have tried convincing you is a conspiracy theory despite it having a launch, a book, and a marketing campaign led from Davos.

Their chairman, Klaus Schwab, has been candid about what a “Great Reset” entails. Notice how similar his language is to the language used in the Tory growth strategy. It’s almost as if Johnson, an elected PM, is reading from a @wef prepared script.

But that’d be bonkers, right?

Wrong. Global gov’s & world leaders have, in unison, adopted both the phrase & agenda behind The Great Reset.

Remind me, did you vote for the World Economic Forum at the last election?

Rhetorical question, obviously. You didn’t.

Yet their “initiative” is driving global policy.

Blair, Ardern, Obama, Trudeau, Gates, Johnson, Prince Harry, Biden, Warren, Macron etc.

All of them, like clockwork, adopting the same slogan, the same agenda, the same centrally controlled “way forward”.

And in this they complete the first stage of their mission: normalisation

They have made the phrase as mainstream as possible, as these Google Trends search terms suggest. And any suggestion that it’s part of a centrally controlled push from the elites is swiftly rebuffed as a conspiracy, even though it’s clear as day that’s what’s happening.


Professionals and practitioners in my field — communications and PR — regularly use this technique to create buy in. If you’re promoting an evil agenda, you can only capitalise on Step 1 (normalisation) if you complete Step 2 and humanise it for people.

That’s a fancy way of saying: manipulate it’s meaning.

And what better way to obscure the true meaning of “Build Back Better” than to relate it to three very British loves: beer, fish & chips, & buttered toast.

Inane videos, absolutely, but with a combined reach of 5.4m people.

You may say: “but look at the response they got, they’re getting roasted.”

But I say, 1. Twitter isn’t real life & many susceptible people will see clips like this & will warm to the concept without knowing the first thing about it (below from SNP). It’s unethical, but v clever.

2. Additionally, & this is an important point, while everyone is talking about how cringeworthy the videos are, that in itself means fewer people are talking about what Build Back Better *really means* (& why we need to in the first place).

This is exactly what @UKgovcomms want.

So these are the tactics we’re up against, & it’s the reason so many in the UK are still completely brainwashed to the situation.

We *need* to tell people what the Great Reset, & the Fourth Industrial Revolution it will usher in, really entails. We need to win back the narrative

What does the Great Reset really mean? (1)

• “every industry transformed”, capitalism as we know it gone
• “radical” lifestyle changes & “unprecedented” cooperation
• the fusion of humans and technology through Ai, leaving large swathes of the population unemployed

What does the Great Reset really mean? (2)

• “paradigm shifts” in how we “communicate, express, inform, & entertain” ourselves
• only “winners” will be able to participate in society
• exacerbated inequalities through greater centralised monopoly power
• mass surveillance

Do you want this man to reflect, reimagine, & reset this world?

It’s no wonder gov comms teams are trying to distract you with a bumbling buffoon & his battered cod.

We need to stop getting distracted — & share what they have in store for humanity; before it’s too late.


As ever, thanks for your support. A share is always gratefully received so we can continue exposing these issues🙏🏻
#FakeNews #COVID19 #EnoughIsEnough #NoVaccinePassports #BuildBackButter #BUILDBACKBROKE #ImDone #TheMediaIsTheVirus #CovidIsNotOver #BuildBackBetter #BuildBackBatter

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