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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Oct 9, 2021, 15 tweets

#Ethereum #Bitcoin #BTC #Cryptos

Unique view of planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, showing planets in tropical zodiac signs

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets -

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If not familiar with planet motions, see color legend to right - all colors show same signs throughout all charts

Since Saturn in Aquarius has been a huge supporter of cryptos, makes sense that the pending station isn't hitting hard or even up


Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos


Mars in Libra doing fine

Stock data in bull markets was good too

Know the theory, but need to investigate & verify

North Node / NN / Rahu

North Node in Gemini has also been a large part of the crypto rally

But getting towards the end and one of a few major changes near year end


Sun in Libra doing well also


Prices are updated through the 10/8 close

So Venus in Sag has just begun


Mercury by sign - so easy to see staying longer in Aquarius, Gemini & Libra

If you know your astro basics, the Rx periods all Air this year


Mercury by motion, with Rx in orange

That's funny, another vertical move during MercRx


Different data - BTC avg 15m % return


By Moon quarter

Q4 huge win last week but they aren't all like that

Moon Q

Mostly 1 bar 1 Quarter, with occasional split into 2 bars at month end

Q4 almost no downside nearly 1.75 years amazing

Moon Sign


Aries & Virgo weak links
Sag middling
Cap & Aqu power zone

Moon Signs

2021 only
1 bar 1 pass, mostly

Sag 3 negative results but 1 was a whammy, so that dragged down the average

Why Cancer terrible then better? Pluto motion? Not sure. These do change per condition of sign & ruler, and market environment.

Moon Terms

BTC 2020-current

Just a teaser, there is a lot more to this

But fact is, terms of Mercury best & Saturn worst, by far, stretching over 1.75 years

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