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I predict asset prices via planet motions, aided by data ~ Trad Astro Twitter: @MarsilioFirenze ~ YouTube:

Oct 16, 2021, 14 tweets

#Ethereum #Bitcoin #BTC #Cryptos

Unique view of planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, showing planets in tropical zodiac signs with color

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

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Saturn in Aquarius supporting cryptos


Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos


Mars in Libra moving well

These 2 examples, Mars and Jupiter, show that some of the rulership ideas need to take a back seat to Element & its connection to this market

North Node / NN / Rahu

Gemini has supported cryptos

Taurus soon upon us


Sun in Libra moving well


Venus in Sag moving great


Mercury in Libra - Air again

Mercury motion

Hugely bullish Rx

Will the rally stop on direct? Anything is possible, but I think other positives in play

Moon data
BTC avg 15m % return

2020-current, Moon Quarter


BTC avg 15m % return
Moon Quarter - mostly 1 bar 1 quarter

So this is the detail underlying the averages in chart above


BTC avg 15m % return
Moon signs

Aquarius on top & delivered again this past week

Moon signs

2021 only
Mostly 1 bar 1 pass through

Have to say haven't figured all this out

Why Cancer so terrible, then better? Pluto motion?

Why Pisces solid, then 3 in a row down? Jupiter condition maybe, but not sure.

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