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Health & economic warnings. Health policy & epidemiology & nutrition. Chair/Faculty @NECSI. Fmr @Harvard. 📚 👉Find me on BlueSky.

Oct 22, 2021, 14 tweets

📍BAD SIGN—Something really bad happening in UK 🇬🇧—especially notable in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿— where hospitalization for #COVID19 resurging—but for first time since vaccine mass rollout—deaths newly spiking now as well ⚠️. Possibly new Delta sub variant. Watching.…

2) in the UK, there has been a sudden rise in a Delta subtype AY.4.2, which some are calling "Delta Plus", contains mutations that might give the virus survival advantages. It’s about 10% now.…

3) this new surge seems unique to UK and Eastern Europe at the moment. Russia is now in a one week semi lockdown, as is Latvia. UK may need fast action to avoid that fate.

4) Cases and POSITIVITY in the UK 🇬🇧 is surging fast. Very worrisome trend. This is not going well… 3 consecutive weeks of increases now already. Bad trend.

5) in the UK 🇬🇧— with cases rising fast, deaths are also forecasted to climb in the coming weeks. UK is definitely seeing a new wave potentially as winter approaching soon.

Figure by @DrWilliamKu

6) and cases rising and dominating in kids 10-19. But rising in UK across all age groups, especially middle age adults too. UK is definitely in a looming wave. This is gonna be bad again.

7) positivity surging in England among kids 5-14 too… what is even more scary is that #LongCovid is still not peaked yet because current #LongCovidKids is from weeks prior to the surge.

8) Let this sink in- among kids 5-14, we are now 2x worse than the first delta wave in England. This is getting criminal negligence!!!

9) UK needs urgently a fast booster program like US and Israel 🇮🇱— US just approved boosters. See thread 🧵 below

10) Boosters slash severe COVID by 90% or more!

11) This is what happens when nationwide boosters were rolled out in Israel 🇮🇱. Its Delta variant wave stopped soon after. UK needs mass boosters for all. And 2nd shots for teenagers too.

12) Lab error — one major lab used in South West of England discovered that 43,000 PCR tests may have received inaccurate results from the lab between September 8 and October 12– giving false negatives! This coincides with a surge in SW England.…

13) The new Delta AY42 subtype is more transmissible than original #DeltaVariant— about 10-15% more. Hence some call it now #DeltaPlus…

14) England hospitalizations are exponentially surging faster than ever before this year!! This is horrible trajectory.

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