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Alan Kelly, President & Founder, Playmaker - Author, Lecturer, Creator of 1st Taxonomy of Influence, #Disinformation Decoder, #AI Developer, #Eggplant hater.

Oct 24, 2021, 12 tweets

If your game is #cancelculture, these are the plays you’re running.

You Label your target with a meme that’s hard to remove: Black Lives Matter v. Blue Lives Matter. #CancelCulture

You Filter information to suit your message: “Kansas has the lowest infection rates, why worry.” #CancelCulture

You Recast info to order its significance: “Freedom of speech comes before the right to beat arms.”

You Preempt to control a rival’s idea: “We are the party of true democracy.” #CancelCulture

You Declare to gaslight the opposition: “Political correctness is out of control.” #CancelCulture

You Reject what another player is pushing: “Kneeling for the anthem is not my America.” #CancelCulture

You Challenge your target to be better: “Think different.” #CancelCulture

You Contrast your cause with facts and figures: “Biden’s Covid cases just exceeded Trump’s.” #CancelCulture

You Bait your competitor to force a reaction: “How can you say guns don’t kill people?” #CancelCulture

Finally, you Call Out the player you’re keen to counter: “While you go sailing, your company is manipulating kids.” #CancelCulture

There are precisely 23 plays you run…and 23 that are run on you. The interactive Taxonomy of Influence Strategies cracks the code of #disinformation, #misinformation, #propaganda and #spin. Visit playmakersystems.com/playmaker-syst…

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