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I predict asset prices via planet motions, aided by data ~ Trad Astro Twitter: @MarsilioFirenze ~ YouTube:

Oct 30, 2021, 14 tweets

#Ethereum #Bitcoin #BTC #Cryptos

Unique view of planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, showing planets in tropical zodiac signs with color

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

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This is a visual introduction to the impact of planets on ETH & BTC

Not really making forecasts here, just noting observations for each visible planet

See color legend to right if not familiar
Colors are same for each sign across planets


Saturn in Aquarius (light gray) supporting cryptos


Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos

North Node / NN / Rahu

NN in Gemini also supporting cryptos!

From astro view, each of these - Saturn, Jupiter & NN - makes "sense" to be supporting cryptos

Aquarius = technology
Gemini = information & variety, so all the different coins very appealing to NN Gemini energy


Mars in Libra, darker green - another Air sign - has done very well

I've talked about Mars in Scorpio data
It is the worst by far
But selecting for bull markets only, total is flat, not negative

So let's not be too bearish, considering Saturn, Jupiter & NN


Sun in Scorpio starting well for ETH especially

But ruler is now changing, if you know astro you get this part
Oh traditional rulerships ONLY please


Venus in Sag has done well
Ruler Jupiter in Aquarius supporting cryptos, and direct while Venus in Sag

So after position we have to consider the ruler, always
Rulership considerations are mostly a combination of these views, you have to get the connections


Mercury by sign, with a long stretch of Libra soon finishing up


Mercury by motion, Rx in orange

More a turn on BTC, ETH (& other alts) powering up after direct

Now some Moon data
BTC avg 15m % return

Moon Quarter
Q4 (now in) huge edge

Moon Quarter, 1 bar 1 Quarter, mostly

Q4 bigger ups, and more important, only a few mild negatives - no big drops in nearly 2 years

For those wondering why this is the case, this is a historical pattern with stocks as well

*Less* Moon energy actually good, calmness = buying in bull markets

Now average by sign, 2020-current

Ehh Virgo ahead, but Libra looks good

Moon signs
2021 only
1 bar = 1 pass, mostly

So there is variability in all
Ruler, Motion, other planets impacting the sign
Like Cancer is impacted by Pluto motion, per data
Stuff like this takes astro fluency to understand patterns

Virgo = 3 up, 7 down

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