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I predict asset prices via planet motions, aided by data ~ Trad Astro Twitter: @MarsilioFirenze ~ YouTube:

Nov 6, 2021, 18 tweets

#Ethereum #Bitcoin #BTC #Cryptos

Unique view of planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, showing planets in tropical zodiac signs with color

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

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If new, see color legend to right


Saturn in Aquarius supporting cryptos


Jupiter in Aquarius also supporting cryptos

North Node / NN / Rahu

NN In Gemini supporting cryptos

Saturn, Jupiter & NN in Air signs of technology (Aquarius) and variety (Gemini) have been the backdrop for most of this bull market


Mars in Scorpio pressuring BTC but just a minor drop so far


Sun in Scorpio flat for BTC, ETH went higher


Venus in Sag did well especially ETH

Just into Capricorn


Mercury's extended stay in Libra was bullish

Scorpio doesn't show yet because I use astro at 9:30 am ET daily and price as of yesterday's close

Mercury Motion, Rx in orange

2 BTC trading tops this year near Merc Dir

Moon Data
BTC avg 15m % return

By Moon Quarter

Same data, now 1 bar per quarter, mostly (except when straddles end of month, so there are a few of these)

Q1, Q2, Q3 all more chance of negative compared to Q4

BTC Moon Signs

Cap & Aqu have been the strongest - can these outweigh the tough astro ahead?

BTC 2021 only

Moon signs, 1 bar 1 sign, mostly

Cap 3 negatives, Aquarius only 1

Now adding some term data

BTC 2020-current, all markets

Mars term-sign combination
Blue = Aries-Merc, Tau-Merc, Gem-Merc, etc

Point is, nothing 100% but some streaks and likelihoods
Mars in own term better or smaller drop
Term Venus less strong

Sun terms 2020-current

What this means
Sun in terms of Jupiter 3 minor negatives & a lot up
Saturn mixed, many strong positive (because Aquarius)

Mercury & Venus more mixed

Venus terms 2020-current

Good results in several, Mercury weakest

Lastly Mercury

Better overall in its own term & Jupiter

Astro & market judgment is ALL of these factors

Plus the outers which I didn't even include
& Stations
Node events are often powerful too

The entire network of rulerships by sign and term

And aspects

Oh plus weekdays

It's a lot to sort out but I'm showing it works


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