Cleavon MD 💉 💉 💉 Profile picture
Emergency Medicine Doctor & Iraq War veteran on the frontlines of the pandemic interested in global health crises. #SoulsLostToCovid

Nov 12, 2021, 16 tweets

Newborn from New Orleans #Louisiana is finally discharged after being hospitalized for 6 months with COVID-19 #TheySurvivedCovid…

18 y.o. Jadyn from Spokane Washington contracted #MISC due to COVID requiring life support. She had a 90% chance of dying, but survived. It's unknown what ongoing health problems she'll endure from this infection. #TheySurvivedCovid.…

"As his daughter battled COVID-19, Trefry started to feel guilty about his former anti-vaccine views... If you're on the fence about getting the vaccination, this isn't about you. It's about our children. This is happening all over the country, all over the world."

Kansas reports 5th child death from COVID-19 on Oct. 28, 2021

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment reported Wednesday the child was between 10 and 17 but it provided no other information, including when the death occurred. #SoulsLostToCovid…

Some people can develop diabetes after an acute COVID-19 infection. Studies suggest that SARS-COV-2 can infect human beta cells responsible for secreting insulin…

17 y.o. Sandy Rose from Warren #Ohio developed Type 1 diabetes and kidney failure from #MISC due to COVID. In the matter of days, a once-healthy honor student and cheerleader was suddenly fighting for her life. #TheySurvivedCovid…

18 month old little Leya from San Diego California became paralyzed from Guillain-Barré due to COVID. She was unable to move her hands, legs or take full breaths so was placed on life support. 47 days later she moved for the first time #TheySurvivedCovid…

Although she has recovered, Cattaleya still can’t talk, hold her weight or walk. Her recovery might take years or she may never be fully functioning again.

Guillain-Barré is an autoimmune disorder in which a person’s own immune system damages the nerves, causing muscle weakness and, sometimes, paralysis.

11 y.o. Spencer from Springfield #Oregon had a collapsed lung from COVID. "It's really exhausting when you have COVID. I don't really know how to explain it," said Spencer. "I kept asking my mom, 'Am I gonna die?'" #TheySurvivedCovid…

An infant from #Idaho died in October. "According to the state's website, 262 people under the age of 18 have been hospitalized with COVID-19 in Idaho." #SoulsLostToCovid…

Kansas Department of Health and Environment reports a sixth child death between the age of 0-9 from COVID-19 on November 12, 2021. #SoulsLostToCovid…

🇮🇪 7 y.o. Shay Crossan from Strabane #Ireland nearly died from #MISC due to COVID. "I will never, ever forget looking at my wee man lying there lifeless, all the machines and tubes and being told he probably wouldn't make it," said dad. #TheySurvivedCovid…

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Ivy-Rose Court from Blackpool #England was born prematurely at 26 weeks due to COVID. She fought hard for 9 days. #SoulsLostToCovid…

Madison Foor, a 14-year-old competitive dancer, was healthy before she contracted COVID in January. Ten months later, she uses an inhaler every day. "It feels a little scary, like I can't breathe” #TheySurvivedCovid…

4 y.o. Aaron Estrada, was healthy until he got COVID a year ago. Then he developed multi-system inflammatory syndrome, lost his hair and couldn't walk or stand for a month.  #TheySurvivedCovid…

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