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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Nov 20, 2021, 14 tweets

#Ethereum #Bitcoin #BTC #Cryptos

Unique view of planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, showing planets in tropical zodiac signs with color

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

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Before the usual today I want to explain to beginners that this is the 1st level of astro

Planet in sign

What is really going on - each sign has a ruler which impacts the affairs of that sign; sometimes the planet rules itself

There are also different types of rulership

Then I use the portions of the zodiac called the terms quite a lot

And each term planet is also a type of ruler

And so the 12 colors, or signs, of the zodiac, quickly multiply to a near infinity of combinations

Plus motion, plus aspects ... never the same moment twice

That said for analysis we have to segment as much as possible, then synthesize to form judgment

OK lecture over, here is Saturn on cryptos


Jupiter in Aquarius doing well - big question is what happens with entry into Pisces at the end of the year

It doesn't have to repeat the May to July move, but it could

North Node / NN / Rahu

In Gemini also supporting cryptos, and ending in Dec 2021


Mars in Scorpio is the weakest historically for BTC - but in bull markets, has been about even

My take throughout has been the other positives of Saturn, Jupiter & NN should win


Sun in Scorpio has been weaker, heading into Sag soon

I think setting up well for resuming rally


Venus in Capricorn is slowing in motion and doesn't look like its helping so far

But surely Venus will have a thing for ETH this year :)


Mercury nearly done with Scorpio already


BTC avg 15m % return

By Moon Quarter

Moon Quarter
1 bar 1 quarter, mostly

Current is Q3

Moon Sign

Moon Sign
1 bar 1 pass through, mostly

Cancer worse data with Pluto direct
Leo varies but overall OK
Virgo weaker

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