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Marsilio is Musing about the next best moves in markets. Technicals & Timing FTW!!

Dec 4, 2021, 13 tweets

#Ethereum #Bitcoin #BTC #Cryptos

Unique view of planetary motion & price

ETH on top, BTC below, showing planets in tropical zodiac signs with color

Weekly visual update Saturdays
Detailed astro & markets Sundays

I combine technicals & timing to understand markets

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This is just something I always post 1x per week to show the simplest level of astro impact on markets, planet in signs (tropical)

If not familiar then see color legend to right



North Node / NN / Rahu

These big 3 (Saturn, Jupiter & NN) all in air signs have supported major crypto rally


Mars in Scorpio has been difficult - per historical patterns

Adding lines at recent prices because a bit tough to see latest move


Sun in Sag weaker so far


Venus slowing in Capricorn has been risk-off and very positive for safe havens

Venus motion

The Spaces that I did a little while ago talked about importance of Venus station periods, which includes slowing down under 1' per day, the station Rx, the backwards motion, cnj Sun, then turning direct

Venus slowing in orange

Less liked crypto (BTC) getting hit


Moon data
BTC avg 15m % return

Moon Quarter
Despite recent drop Q4 still huge positive edge! Just less so now :)

Moon Quarter
1 bar 1 quarter mostly

And recent bar is what we just saw

Does make sense this edge failed in eclipse season and mostly very near an eclipse

Moon signs

So we do have Cap & Aqu ahead soon, something to think about

Moon signs
1 bar 1 pass

People think of Sag as optimistic but when ruler Jupiter in trouble it can really have a large drop

It is excessive sign, more than simply 1 way

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