Marc Owen Jones Profile picture
Asc Prof @HBKU | Author:Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East & Political Repression in Bahrain | PhD @durham_uni | NR Sen Fellow @dawnmenaorg @ME_Council

Dec 10, 2021, 13 tweets

[Thread] 1/ This is an update on the #DoNotComply and #DoNotComplyEver hashtag. Both began trending again when mandatory mask wearing was introduced after the discovery of the Omicron variant. Since my last thread, I analysed approx 26000 tweets, between 5th -10th December

2/ In the following thread I will discuss

a) who the main influencers are
b) the salient political communities promoting the hashtag
c) any potentially unusual elements to the hashtag

Read on for more.

#OmicronVariant #Omicron

3/ Firstly, influencers. As with my previous thread, the British actor @LozzaFox remains the most influential account spreading the 'Do Not Comply message'. His posturing tweet of December 8th was retweeted almost 2k times, and liked around 8k times. #omicron #FridayFeeling

4/ The second most influential account @LeAdderNoire - a self-proclaimed 'Gammon', whose call to defy all restrictions got around 500 RTs and 1500 likes.

5/ There are a bunch of verified 'celebs', politicians and journalists endorsing the do not comply message, e.g @kezia_noble @SkySportsPL Journalist @jacktwilkinson journalist @SoniaPoulton - bad science nutrionist @GillianMcKeith US congressman @RepDanBishop, to name but a few..

6/ An interesting, potentially suspicious, but not definitely, is the speed at which @LozzaFox got engagement. The below graph shows activity on the hashtag over time, and by account. What the below shows is that LozzaFox's tweet of 8th December got a lots of engagement rapidly

7/ This could just be normal viral engagement, or possible artificial amplification. It's difficult to tell. Next tweet I will discuss who is spreading the #donotcomply message #OmicronVariant

8/ The overall analysis of the hashtag reveals once again that the most cohesive community spreading the #donotcomply message are right-wing, pro Trump conservatives. 'MAGA' and 'Trump' are the 5th and 6th most common biographical descriptors, 'conservative' the 10th

9/ Again, we see polarisation.The majority of users in the top sector of the graph do not wish to comply, while a small community at the bottom are pushing back against the do not comply trend. An analysis of the pro complying community reveals they are 'liberal' #OmicronVarient

10/ An analysis of the pro comply crowd reveals support for 'democrats' 'black lives matter' and 'liberal' position. These are generally the key markers. Again, this is what we would expect given what we know about vaccine hesitancy among the right. #OmicronVarient #omicron

11/ There are some non-UK/US communities here too (among the donotcomply crowd). This dutch account for example, @BananaMediaQ , which supports
#Nexit , and @Qhawe___L - which writes on African affairs

12/ Some takeaways>

1) #DoNotComply encouraged predominantly by right-wing & libertarian accounts
2) UK actor @LozzaFox a key, influential repeat offender in messaging
3) New measures prompt new waves of DoNotComply messaging
4) Little sign yet of cross-party online support


Notice: Figures here don't portray, although may indicate extent of problem offline

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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