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Software Engineer • COVID-19 Research, Bioinformatics & Statistics • Articles: • Genomics Chat:

Dec 10, 2021, 6 tweets

Comparing All-cause Mortality vs COVID-19 Vaccine levels amongst European Countries reveals no correlation!
I've compared average EuroMOMO Z-scores for the last 13 weeks delta of 2020 vs 2021 - against vaccination levels.
#Covid #Covid19 #Corona #Coronavirus

The result appears to be stat. significant, if excluding Ukraine.

Correl=-0.09, R2=0.01, p=0.97

If including Ukraine:
Correl=-0.15, R2=0.02, p=0.91

Here's the change in all-cause mortality for weeks 36-48 2020 vs 2021!

Sources & Calculations can be found here:…

Just simply looking at the last 13 weeks of 2021, we can actually see the same pattern! (Excluding Ukraine)
R2=0.01, p=0.97

E.g. Denmark

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