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Jan 1, 2022, 13 tweets

Boston #FreeAssange Rally early #FirstNightBoston
Brought in the New Year praising Julian & #WikiLeaks Positive, sympathetic reactions!
Tide is turning!
✴️Letters to Merrick Garland @TheJusticeDept
✴️Petition to senators @ewarren @SenMarkey
Thread 👇

"Assange's only crimes are exposing the crimes of the war makers, of the genocidal war machine that exploits and oppresses working people in countries around the world. ...He is our hero. Please join us in the campaign to #FreeJulianAssange." John Harris,

"Here we are New Year Eve's day as part of #FirstNightBoston. We are very concerned about Julian Assange. He just lost his case...who knows how long he'll be in jail?...@POTUS & Merrick Garland could just #DropTheCharges & the case would go away" Susan McLucas, Activist Organizer

"We have to free Julian Assange is a crime for them to even try to prosecute him, to say nothing of torturing him all this time. Listen to what the most knowledgeable journalists are saying and the implications that it entails unless we stop it now" Carolyn, Peace Activist

"Assange's crime is telling you & me the truth abt the worst crime of the 21C...the invasion of Iraq...that war was sold to us w/ lies..the people who are persecuting Assange deliberately lied to us & let us be associated w/ the deaths of tens of thousands" Paul Shannon, Activist

"President Biden has decided to bring Julian Assange here so he can be put away forever that he'll not be able to expose the lies of our govt ever again. If we allow that to happen we deserve the consequences that will be coming for us down the line." Paul Shannon, Activist

"Assange is suffering, languishing in Belmarsh prison - we need to come together and say 'Release Julian Assange now!' It is for him but also for us, our freedom of speech, our freedom of the press. What our govt is doing to Assange is unconscionable..." Jane Binkerd, Activist

"In August of 2019 the courts in NYC threw out the whole russiagate big would think that the @nytimes might have reported on that. Julian Assange was found to have First Amendment rights two years ago!" Joan Livingston

"Assange's fiancée and mother of his two small boys laments, "How can it be fair, how can it be right, how can it be possible to extradite Julian Assange to the very country which plotted to kill him?"" @Plucille54 Co organizer #AssangeDefenseBoston

"2014 Assange brought in the New Year w/these words:"'All men by nature desire to know' Aristotle, when he wrote this was saying, that the thing that makes human beings different from all creatures,the thing that defines us, is the pursuit & acquisition of knowledge"" @Plucille54

.#FirstNightBoston #FreeAssangeNOW #bospoli
Rally to stop the persecution, and prosecution of truthteller Julian Assange.
Merrick Garland @TheJusticeDept #DropTheCharges

.#AssangeDefenseBoston joined Boston May Day Coalition's 'First Night Against the Wars' ✴️#NewYear2022
#FirstNightBoston #FreeAssangeNOW #bospoli

Professional photographer recording our #FreeAssangeNOW Rally attracted quite a few #NewYear2022 celebrators to our information table.
#AssangeDefenseBoston #FirstNightBoston

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