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Jan 6, 2022, 5 tweets

#LeftRightCentre | "The silver lining is that the health care workers are stable": Dr Anjan Trikha, Chairman, #Covid clinical managerial group, trauma center, AIIMS, on the impact of #Omicron fuelled surge in cases on hospitals.

#LeftRightCentre | "Good thing is that there won't be bad Omicron cases": Dr Sapan Pandya, clinical immunologist and member, #COVID task force, #Gujarat, on the impact of #Omicron fuelled surge in cases on hospitals.

#LeftRightCentre | "About 56 doctors are positive and are isolated at the moment": Dr Mohan Joshi, Dean, Sion Hospital, #Mumbai, on the impact of #Omicron fuelled surge in #Covid cases on hospitals.

#LeftRightCentre | Nilesh Shah (@NileshShah68), Chairman, Association of Mutual Funds in #India, on the impact of #Omicron fuelled surge in #Covid cases on hospitals.

#LeftRightCentre | "We are better equipped now to face the situation": Madan Sabnavis, Chief Economist, Bank of Baroda, on the impact of #Omicron fuelled surge in #Covid cases on hospitals.

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