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Counsellor & Mentor for the Homeless, Addicted & Vulnerable. Politics, Motorcycles, Linux, Movies. You can buy me a coffee at

Jan 11, 2022, 6 tweets

I've discovered a solution to the #NHS #Covid Staffing Crisis.

It's simple.

Variable treatment according to status.

The Unvaccinated who chose to disbelieve medical science should be cared for in a marquee in the hospital car park by Gavin, a plumber, Steve the trainee, and a random collection of people selected from Facebook and YouTube.

You know ... people they trust.

Meanwhile anyone who voted Tory should be placed in a half-built wing, amidst a building site with no equipment and no staff ...

Like the ones that the PM announced as 'completely open and ready for business'.

Lastly, anyone who ever voted #Ukip or #ReformParty should wait in a queue until a pure-blood Englishman with documented proof of heritage going back to Norman times is available to care for them.

I think that should sort it.

Perhaps some of them would finally understand the lies they have been told, the myths they have been sold, and maybe gain a smidgen of humanity.

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