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Best-selling Author: CHRONIC/ Medical truth-teller #Lyme #Covid #GoF 📖: https://t.co/mSsjINOx7t 📰: https://t.co/Oi3iDXQdkd Podcast: https://t.co/Sp3lS8AmS7

Jan 13, 2022, 6 tweets

Major @NIH study finds COVID can quickly disseminate & infect multiple organs, including brain, & remain for months (likely, we will learn, years). Even in mild/ asymptomatic cases.

If you don’t understand why mass-infection is catastrophic, read this. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…

Covid, like #Lyme, is one of many chronic infections that can cause multi-systemic illnesses, “autoimmune,” cardiac, neurologic, psychiatric, & vascular diseases. Also increases risk of sudden death months after infection.

This is a mass-disabling event that has no rival.

Covid directly kills heart muscle cells.

It is lingering in brain tissue causing severe neurologic and psychiatric and dementia-like illness. Even in young, previously healthy people.

This study “provides warning abt being blasé abt mass infection in children & adults.”

The premise of our book CHRONIC is how persistent infections cause chronic illness, incl covid. This is not new, yet largely unknown. @StevePhillipsMD

I hope this gives greater context as to why WE CAN NOT LIVE WITH this virus, & why v early treatments & prophylaxis are critical.

Vaccines do not always prevent #LongCovid. Without antivirals/ mabs to mitigate #LongCovid, we are looking at stunning #s of broken lives.

If you are not strongly advocating for early treatment/ prophylaxis and have been led to believe they’re only for the “high-risk,” you are painfully wrong.

Everyone who contracts this virus shld be given a chance to clear it.

The stakes are too high to gamble w your organs.

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