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Feb 3, 2022, 15 tweets

10 Proven Trading Strategies every trader must know

A thread(🧵) (1/15)

1. Always keep your trading plan ready: #Trading without a plan is sureshot way of exposing yourself to danger.

Set a Trading plan based on the Market trend👇 (2/15)

2. Approach Trading like a business: As a #trader, your job is to maximize your business potential.

Your job should always be to cut expenses(losses) and enhance #profits👇 (3/15)

3. Take full advantage of the latest technology A trader in today's era has access to the latest #technology at no cost.

Read about the latest #indicators, strategies from traders all over world. Face2Face by @vivbajaj is a great place to start sedg.in/3wfe8k1c👇 (4/15)

4. Follow a conservative investment strategy: It is always better to be skeptical in the #StockMarket.

This strategy prioritizes the preservation of #Capital over growth or market returns (5/15)

5. Focus on learning from the markets as a student: Till date, Warren Buffett identifies himself as a learner.

Learning from the market never stops. You need to have the zeal to learn more and more👇(6/15)

With our webinars on #TechnicalAnalysis, you can enhance your knowledge, starting at just Rs.480: sedg.in/p5s6rzaj 👇 (7/15)

6. Don't bite off more than you can chew: There's a reason why #Trading is risky and #FixedDeposits are not.

If you're new to the world of #Stocks, DO NOT TRADE WITH HIGH LEVERAGE (8/15)

7. Build a sound Trading system that is worth all the effort: The #art of Trading requires tremendous practice.

It is about rules, #methods, #discipline, patience. (9/15)

Professional traders never let emotions cloud their judgement. Emotional trading might pay off a few times, but in the long run, it will damage you👇 (10/15)

8. Do not ignore Stop Loss: There will be times when even your most accurate #TechnicalAnalysis will fail. Stop loss is your only saviour during those times👇 (11/15)

9. Identify situations where you need to stop trading: Not Trading is also a strategy. During choppy markets, it is better that you stay away for a while👇 (12/15)

10. Stay focused while you Trade: Money Making is for everyone, but it is tough. That's precisely why not everyone emerges out of the #market as victorious! (13/15)

To Read the entire blog click here: sedg.in/zuy4psix (14/15)

Stay focused. Your efforts will pay off✨ (15/15)

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