Till Carlos Profile picture
Senior software developer with own agency. 2024: document team's learning on my YouTube Channel.

Feb 8, 2022, 9 tweets

What do you do if you have software developers who want to learn something new? ❤️‍🔥

You invent something simple, and include the newest tech. #web3

We are making an e-learning platform with web3 aspects. More soon.

For now: let me show you what specs we gave to the #uxdesign

First we started with the mission.

I framed it in a way like @simonsinek did in his evergreen talk: ted.com/talks/simon_si…

- Why: code a useful project with web3 aspects
- How: Code it simple, show progress
- What: Gamified LMS with web3


That's what I sent to the #uxdesign freelancer.

It's really bare bones. Basically I just used @figma like this:

- take a browser shape (screenshot safari)
- buttons? use rectangles
- hyperlinks: use underlines
- comments? Just use odd shades and put text on it


Our PM then added a simple database model.

Good that our PM knows a bit or Rails coding.

What's your experience? Are PMs better who can code?


We also added some ideas how the lesson flow should be.

General idea: you advance the lesson by solving a quiz.

We try to reuse modules. Want to make a course about something, why not reuse some other modules that are made public.

Everybody benefits.

Login via #web3 #wallets

We could enable email login, but we'll try to go only with wallet login for now.

What about the people who don't have a @MetaMask or anything yet?

They can learn the first lesson for free. And then get nudged into joining the #cryptospace

We only have 3 weeks for this, and we want to release something much earlier.

--> We don't have time for a fancy #Frontend .

But it should look good. What to do?

@_rareblocks to the rescue. They have _everything_ we need. No designer needed, just copy what works already.

Another idea we'll explore: Can the students mint their own #NFT after completing a course?

What do you think? What problems might we run into?

#gamification : this could be a great add-on as well to keep people engaged.

As our lessons require quizzes to be solved, this could be a good approach to push people to continue to the next lesson and keep learning about crypto.

That's it for today. Follow us for updates ❤️‍🔥

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