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use to bring you world events as they happen, focusing on the Middle East Region, mostly now with a sprinkle of events | RTs/Links ≠ Endorse | DMs Open

Feb 13, 2022, 5 tweets

Oh hello…. A drone reportedly from “Eastern #Iraq” that was intercepted by coalition forces near/on its way to #Erbil.

That drone looks familiar…. 🙃

This design shares more of a resemblance/design characteristics with the ones we’ve seen used in #Yemen / #Saudi, but they all are derived from the #Iran|ian “Shahed-136”

The Iranian variant and the derived Wa’eed which belongs to the #Houthi’s (Yemen has two variants, technically) have a slightly different nose and winglets.

And finally for a thread I wasn’t expecting to write today here is imagery relating back to the Mercer Street incident last year showing the winglet design from the tweet above.

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