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🇺🇸🇪🇺American-European journalist ➡️Find me on Substack: https://t.co/gwwNEFSlwX

Feb 17, 2022, 5 tweets

#Mali is not officially on the agenda of today's #EUAUSummit summit in Brussels.

But given the question mark that now hangs over future EU military involvement in the #Sahel, it is sure to come up on the sidelines.

The #EUAUSummit is now underway.

@eucopresident Charles Michel starts the opening ceremony by saying the relationship needs to be rethought.

The context is Africa now has other partner choices than the West: China and Russia.

President #Macron is addressing the #EUAUsummit now.

"The summit we're having today comes at an exceptional crossroads in time, where we as Europeans need to decide whether we want to build a unique alliance with you in Africa."

Macron does not mention #Mali in his speech to the #EUAUSummit. He only says:

"In the Gulf of Guinea and Sahel we have to work to find new solutions"

EU Com President Ursula @vonderleyen using speech to promote #GlobalGateway, the EU's alternative to China's #BeltAndRoad

She says, pointedly, it will be a "trusted brand" around the world. At least €150bn for Africa over next 7 years

China may be more, but there is less trust

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