Here begins a fun thread of the finished lightboards that we make together during the ϟ Enlightning stream. ♫
Also- a big THANK YOU to all who come out to watch ϟ Enlightning, and also to those who take the time to watch the recording. I appreciate you.
What is a Small Batch Loop? Featuring guest @cote
Dockerfiles Vs. Cloud Native Buildpacks featuring guest @ciberkleid
Who Should Use Kubernetes? Featuring guest @capileigh
How Do You Structure Learning for Technical Concepts? Featuring @jesslynnrose
How Do You Deploy a Stateless Application on Kubernetes? Featuring @rosowski
How Do You Add Persistent Storage to Your Kubernetes Application? Featuring @rosowski
What is Knative Serving? Featuring @csantanapr and @KnativeProject
What is Knative Eventing? Featuring @salaboy and @KnativeProject
Security For Application Developers, featuring @asaikali
Getting Your Code to Production with Cartographer, featuring @waciuma and @OssCartographer
What Is Observability? featuring @jonatan_ivanov
'Event-Driven Architecture and Real-Time Analytics' featuring @tlberglund
(and @ApachePinot and @startreedata)
What Should Application Developers Know about Metrics? Featuring guest @ebullientworks
@PrometheusIO @opentelemetry @grafana
HumanOps: Organizing Community Around Technology
featuring guest @ParisInBmore
@kubernetesio @K8sContributors @vmwopensource
There’s More to ‘Infrastructure as Code’ than Code
featuring guest
@VMwareTanzu @PulumiCorp
Crossplane: Control Plane of Control Planes
featuring guest @vfarcic
@crossplane_io @upbound_io @VMwareTanzu
What is Argo CD?
featuring guest @christianh814
@argoproj @VMwareTanzu @codefresh
What Are Cloud Native Buildpacks and How Do They Work? featuring guest Natalie Arellano
@buildpacks_io @Paketo_io @VMwareTanzu @vmwopensource #womenintech
Now You Git It! featuring guest Raju Gandhi
@looselytyped @github @VMwareTanzu
#Git #GitOps
What Is Tekton? featuring guest Vincent Demeester (@vdemeest)
@tektoncd @VMwareTanzu
#Tekton #CICD #Kubernetes
Delivering Your Platform Your Way Using Kratix
featuring guest Abby Bangser (@a_bangser)
@kratixio @VMwareTanzu #PlatformTeam #CICD #Kubernetes #DevOps #Kratix
What the Flux?! GitOps at Your Fingertips
featuring guests Pinky Ravi (@PinkyyRavi) and Mae Large (@maylarge)
@fluxcd @VMwareTanzu
#GitOps #CICD #Kubernetes #DevOps #FluxCD
Oh Keptn, My Keptn
featuring guest Andi Grabner (@grabnerandi)
@keptnProject @VMwareTanzu
#DevOps #CICD #Kubernetes #Keptn
Empower Your Dev Teams with Virtual Clusters!
featuring guest Lian Li (@lianmakesthings)
@vcluster @loft_sh @VMwareTanzu
#virtualcluster #vcluster #Kubernetes
Trauma-Free Incident Management
featuring guest Mårten Rånge (@range_marten)
#Incidents #incidentresponse @VMwareTanzu
@VMwareTanzu What is OpenTelemetry?
Featuring guest Daniel Kim (@learnwdaniel)
@opentelemetry @VMwareTanzu
#OpenTelemetry #Observability #Kubernetes
Carvel: Clean Tools for Cloud Native Problems
Featuring guest Leigh Capili (@capileigh)
@carvel_dev @VMwareTanzu
#DevOps #GitOps #Kubernetes
@VMwareTanzu Own Your Images with Harbor!
Featuring guest Orlin Vasilev (@OrlinVasilev)
@project_harbor @VMwareTanzu @vmwopensource
#Harbor #ContainerRegistry #Kubernetes
What Is cdk8s?
Featuring guest Eli Polonsky (@iliapolo )
@VMwareTanzu @vmwopensource #cdk8s #Kubernetes #GitOps
You're at the Helm
Featuring guest Andrew Block (@sabre1041)
@VMwareTanzu @vmwopensource @HelmPack @redhatopen @RedHat #Helm #Kubernetes #GitOps
De-stress Certificates with cert-manager!
Featuring guest Ashley Davis (@SgtCoDFish)
@VMwareTanzu @vmwopensource @CertManager @JetstackHQ
#tls #Kubernetes #cloudsecurity
Remocal K8s Development FTW: Telepresence 101
Featuring guest Daniel Bryant (@danielbryantuk)
@VMwareTanzu @vmwopensource @telepresenceio @ambassadorlabs
#clouddevelopment #Kubernetes #flowzone #k8s
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