Babak Taghvaee - Μπάπακ Τακβαίε - بابک تقوایی Profile picture
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Mar 1, 2022, 6 tweets

Watch brave people of #Kupyansk in #Kharkiv region. They protested #Russian occupiers waving #Ukraine's flag in front of them. Russians have their own anti-protest unit consisted of military police officers of #RussianArmy deployed to the occupied regions to suppress people.

Watch people of #Kupyansk in #Kharkiv region singing #Ukraine's national anthem in front of the municipality building where the new #Russian mayor of their occupied city is.

#RussianArmy has sent its soldiers and armoured vehicles threatening to shoot at the protesters in the occupied city of #Kupyansk in #Kharkiv region.

#Russian appointed mayor of the #KUPYANSK can be seen fleeing while protesters attack his car.

People of #Kupyansk raised flag of #Ukraine in their city again while it is under occupation of #RussianArmy.

Video shows #RussianArmy throwing smoke grenades at the protesters. It seems, #Russia has been prepared to face with civil protests against its occupation in #Ukraine. They have anti-protest units to suppress people.

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