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Mar 1, 2022, 8 tweets

#Thread on #MahaShivaratri

The five faces of #Mahadev -

🔸️ Sadyojata - the newly born consciousness

🔸️Vamdev - preserves consciousness

🔸️Aghora - The power of dissolution of the terrifying things within us. Representing the dropping of our ego.


🔸️Tatpurush - the power of obscuration, represents the transition period from extreme darkness to complete light within us.

🔸️Ishaan - the power of revealment, representing moksha or the oneness.


On Mahashivratri, dances are performed for time immemorial, which are termed as cosmic dance

5 key dance forms of Natraja

🔸️ Srishti - Creation

🔸️Samhara - Destruction of the self/ego. "There's no being, only becoming"


🔸️Sthithi - Maintainence/Protection
To accept that change is normal & maintain the state of a selfless being.

🔸️Tirobhava - Concealment
Maya, illusion and the veil of ignorance can pull one away from Sthithi.

🔸️ Anugraha - Liberation/Moksha.


What's the significance of #Mahashivratri ?

It's the wedding of material & spiritual.


What's so special about the night?

On this night, the northern hemisphere of the planet is positioned in such a way that there is a natural upsurge of energy in a human being & nature is pushing one towards spiritual peak.


The gravitational pull of the Moon is maximum on the new Moon and full moon day, resulting in the rise of full body fluid in an upward direction towards the brain.

And it is a proven fact that when the brain receives good amount of oxygenated blood, it performs exceedingly well.

The Dancing Shiva represents the changes in the universe around us, as matter and energy constantly bump into each other, create and destroy systems and keep renewing the world. This cosmic dance is the interaction of matter and antimatter.



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