Babak Taghvaee - Μπάπακ Τακβαίε - بابک تقوایی Profile picture
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Mar 2, 2022, 6 tweets

#BREAKING: Another war crime committed by #RussianArmy! The building of School of Sociology in Karazin National University of #Kharkiv was attacked by #RussianArmy. Iskander-M ballistic missiles hit the university! This is an act of terror!

Karazin Kharkiv National University was founded in November 1804 as the #Kharkiv University. It is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in eastern Europe. Now its building is destroyed by Iskander-M ballistic missiles of #RussianArmy.

This is the moment #Russian Iskander-M ballistic missiles hit the National University of #Kharkiv.

For better understanding. #RussianArmy most likely has launched two Ballistic missiles using Iskander-M system. One has hit the Police Headquaerters of thf #Kharkiv & the other the next building which belongs to the School of Sociology of Karazin National University.

You can see, the economic faculty of the #Kharkiv's National Universuty just 23 meters away from the headquarters of the police and SBU in the city.

Fake Twitter accounts of the PSYOPS unit of #Russia's Cyber Army constantly saying that the destroyed building is SBU's headequarters in #Kharkiv but it is certainly the National University!

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