RomeshNadir 🇮🇳 Profile picture
Wandering Soul, Knowledge Seeker. Behind Camera. News Junkie #BharatFirst, Exiled Cashin, My Shadow My Friend. Followed by Hon. PM @narendramodi Ji 🇮🇳

Mar 4, 2022, 13 tweets

#RussiaUkraineConflict Looks Prez Putin will stop carrying out further operations, once d immediate goals set, are met. Eastern #Ukraine may fall within d areas of extended influence of Russia while no operations may be carried in the Western Ukraine, thus securing gas pipelines.

#RussiaUkraineConflict has inflicted huge blow to rabble rouser West & #NATO. Putin committed in securing one of d important objectives of d operations, that is d #NordStream offshore natural gas pipelines, running under Baltic Sea from Vyborg Russia to Greifswald North Germany.

Holding Kiev, one of the oldest & most populous city & the capital of Ukraine close to Russia is important for Putin. Kiev/Kyiv is home to many high-tech industries besides an important scientific, educational and cultural centre in Eastern Europe.

#RussiaUkraineConflict saw a big setback for #Zelensky as #NATO declined d request for implementation of #NoFlyZoneOverUkraine citing d reason of not being a part of d present conflict. #NATO Sec Gen stated that they have a responsibility of ensuring d conflict doesn’t escalate.

#RussiaUkraineConflict Amusing to hear #NATO now highly demotivated, fearing European countries engagement facing the wrath of Russian might with conflict spreading beyond #Ukraine. Besides EU fears, conflict spread as more devastating & dangerous, with more human suffering.

#RussiaUkraineConflict The words of @jensstoltenberg must have removed the fog from the eyes of #Zelenskyy that #Ukraine will have to mobilise its own resources in its fight with Russia as the core task of #NATO is to keep 30 European Union Nations safe in this conflict.

#RussiaUkraineConflict No surprise, with baring of the duplicity of #NATO, EU and West becoming glaringly more visible, in the coming time #Zelenskyy may opt for meek surrender to Russia or seek soon asylum in a neighbouring country close to EU. Amply clear #Ukraine got duped.

#RussiaUkraineConflict Once Russia accomplishes d set goals in bifurcation of #Ukraine along d Dneiper Line & succeeds in creating a buffer zone between #NATO Nations & Russia, further conflict may cease. It will also ensure safety of its 2 gas pipelines from d #NATO/EU threats.

#RussiaUkraineConflict is just not Putin’s gameplay, but must remember d role of West & EU in indulging in proxy war. Watch, Year 2016-Graham Lindsay & John McCain carrying d clandestine agenda of instigating, funding & sponsoring Ukraine against Russia:

Read -“to keep 30 nations of EU and North America safe” 🙏.

#RussiaUkraineConflict With #US/#NATO baring a “Zeo Appetite” for a #NoFlyZone over Ukraine, #Zelenskyy making emotional & desperate plea in address to Senators & House Members for a no-fly zone & financial support, amply unravelled d overwhelming exhaustion & frustration in him.

#RussiaUkraineConflict Can gauge the high levels of dejection in #Zelenskyy influencing him to discuss and engage on misplaced priorities at this moment when Ukraine is about to be overrun by the mighty Russians. He is discussing possible “Space Projects” with Elon Musk 🤪

a) Is #Zelenskyy by making an impassioned plea to Ukrainians to launch a fight back against Russians by going out to drive out the “evil” not risking more loss of Ukranian lives in the ghastly conflict ???
b) Why #Zelenskyy shouldn’t be held accountable ?

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