Paddy Docherty Profile picture
Historian of empire & anticolonial resistance. Recent book: BLOOD AND BRONZE: The British Empire & the Sack of Benin (Hurst, Dec 2021). 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🇪🇺

Mar 13, 2022, 5 tweets

A True Crime documentary in three pics and a video… [Ep 1] Thursday, c1235hs GMT - I put out a little table with a huge pile of mealworms, and set up my camera hoping to capture foxes having supper… 🤓🎥🌳🦊🍃🍂 #TrueCrime #nature #wildlife

[Ep 2] I return 48hrs later to discover an actual crime scene… Who has committed this flagrant breach of the law?! Investigators swing into action. 🧐🌳🍃🍂 #TrueCrime #wildlife #nature #NaturePhotography #CSI #CrimeScene

[Ep 3] The investigation swiftly identifies a prime suspect… 🤨🐈‍⬛🌳🍃🍂 #TrueCrime #nature #wildlife #cats

[Ep 4] Evidence proves conclusive… Suspect is arraigned for trial… 🤦‍♂️🌳🍃🍂 #TrueCrime #wildlife #nature #cats

[Bonus Feature] Live footage of the forensic team investigating the crime scene. ☺️🦡🌳🍃🍂 #TrueCrime #wildlife #badgers #CSI #CSIBadgers

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