Dr Paddy Docherty Profile picture
historian/author/artist ◆ colonial violence/critical thinking ◆ neurodiversity & mental health ◆ autism/C-PTSD 📚🎥🌳🍃🌺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪
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Jul 31, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Powerful piece from @zoesqwilliams on how we've come to deny that men can be victims too. ⬇️😥 One way that we men can help is to stop pretending to be tough all the time... #MentalHealth #RefugeesWelcome

theguardian.com/commentisfree/… My immediate (inexpert) thought is that if we work to normalise male vulnerability and discussion of mental health issues, that would help counter the prevailing toxic masculinity that dehumanises others and supplies the far right with recruits. #Southport
Mar 13, 2022 5 tweets 6 min read
A True Crime documentary in three pics and a video… [Ep 1] Thursday, c1235hs GMT - I put out a little table with a huge pile of mealworms, and set up my camera hoping to capture foxes having supper… 🤓🎥🌳🦊🍃🍂 #TrueCrime #nature #wildlife [Ep 2] I return 48hrs later to discover an actual crime scene… Who has committed this flagrant breach of the law?! Investigators swing into action. 🧐🌳🍃🍂 #TrueCrime #wildlife #nature #NaturePhotography #CSI #CrimeScene
Jan 14, 2022 19 tweets 9 min read
A short thread about imperial attitudes and how Africa was carved up by European occupiers… 🧐🧵 #BritishEmpire #history #Africa I’ve tweeted before about Major Sir Claude MacDonald (pic above)… He’s one of the main figures in my new book BLOOD AND BRONZE because he led the initial formal British occupation of what is now southern Nigeria. #BeninBronzes #history @HurstPublishers

Jan 5, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Complete change of pace… I just made an edible sculpture in my garden… I’m calling this

In the end you will all be destroyed, pt I

☺️🌳🥚 #art #wildlife Side note: stacking eggs is harder than you might think.
Dec 26, 2021 67 tweets 51 min read
A thread about drug smuggling, the British Empire, and the ways in which historical wrongdoing by the Establishment persists into the present day. 🧐🧵🌳🍃🍂⛓ #EstablishmentPsychopathy #history #ToriesOut #OpiumWar #ColonialViolence It’s generally well known that the Opium Wars of the mid nineteenth century were launched by Britain against China in order to benefit British drug smugglers… 🤨🇬🇧🇨🇳 #OpiumWars #BritishEmpire #ColonialViolence #China
Oct 27, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
Today marked a significant milestone: @JesusCollegeCam handed over the Benin Bronze in its possession to representatives from #Nigeria. Well done to Jesus College. There is simply no excuse for anyone else keeping stolen property. 🙏🇳🇬 #BeninBronzes

reuters.com/world/uk/cambr… I’ve just written an account of the brutal 1897 British Invasion of the Kingdom of Benin, based largely on new archive research:

@HurstPublishers #BeninBronzes 🇳🇬

Oct 12, 2021 6 tweets 7 min read
Twitter pronouncements by @JimMFelton are incorporated directly into English common law, right? ⬇️😋 In that case, I’m legally obliged to plug the bejeesus out of my forthcoming book… 🤪👩🏼‍⚖️📔 #history #books @HurstPublishers #BeninBronzes It’s called “Blood and Bronze” and tells the true story of the 1897 British invasion and destruction of the Kingdom of Benin, when the famous Bronzes were plundered… Empire loons like @NigelBiggar will absolutely *hate* it… 😃 #history #BritishEmpire

Oct 11, 2021 5 tweets 7 min read
@PriyamvadaGopal Hello Professor, thanks for your kind words about my forthcoming book, much appreciated! ☺️👍📔 #history #BeninBronzes #repatriation #reparations @HurstPublishers #books 🌳🍁🍂

hurstpublishers.com/book/blood-and… If anyone would like to know more, please sign up with @HurstPublishers for their New Book Alerts… ⬇️🤓📚 #books #history #BookTwitter

Sep 1, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
One month ago today I posted this modest call for peaceful action against the kleptofascist crooks in Downing Street... ⬇️☺️ In that time, their attacks on democracy have only got worse. 😠✊🌹🇪🇺 #3Point5Percent #ToryCorruption #ToryTraitors #resist Some regime apologists try to rubbish the possibility, but the capacity of the country to resist this Tory cabal through peaceful protest is clear. ⬇️🙂✊🌹🇪🇺 #3Point5Percent #ToryCorruption #ToryTraitors #RussiaReport #crooks
Aug 22, 2020 24 tweets 18 min read
A thread about the power of protest, the meaning of 3.5%, and why the corrupt Cummings/Johnson cabal must be removed from No 10… 🤨✊🌹🇪🇺 #3Point5Percent #resist #ToriesOut Three weeks ago, I posted this humble proposal ⬇️ for a peaceful revolution to remove the crooked squatters in Downing Street… Our systems of accountability are largely failing, so we need to take action ourselves, inspired by the 3.5% rule… 🧐✊🌹🇪🇺 #resist #3Point5Percent
Aug 1, 2020 34 tweets 40 min read
Peaceful revolution in the UK: some personal thoughts on the need for #SystemChange and the potential for making it happen. [thread] 🤨✊🌹🇪🇺#ToryCorruption #ToryTraitors #resist #revolt #remove #JohnsonMustGo In the wake of the #RussiaReport ⬇️ & the ongoing #COVID19 & #ToryCorruption scandals, there has been a noticeable increase in talk about protest against this obviously compromised “government”… 😠✊🌹🇪🇺 #resist #revolt #remove
Jul 21, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
While we’re waiting for the #RussiaReport, a reminder that even *without* it, we know that the Tories are awash with Russian money... Ruthless oligarchs don’t give away millions out of the goodness of their hearts... What did they expect in return? 🧐🇷🇺

theguardian.com/politics/2020/… On the @ElectoralCommUK website, the filings for donations made to the Tory party by Lubov Chernukhin *alone* run to 5 pages... 🤨🇷🇺 #RussiaReport #ToryCorruption #LubovChernukhin
Jun 30, 2020 14 tweets 12 min read
A short thread about resisting the #kleptofascist takeover, with an added last-ditch family appeal. 😐✊🌹🇪🇺 #resist #StopFascism #RuleOfLaw When the execrable Cummings/Johnson regime launched its attack on Parliament back in August, I was horrified: this was in fact a coup against democracy. Like thousands of others, I hit the streets to protest. 😖✊🌹🇪🇺 #StopTheCoup #resist #JohnsonMustGo #RuleOfLaw
Jun 16, 2020 10 tweets 12 min read
Establishment Psychopathy: a selection of evidence setting out some of the ways in which colonial violence & structural racism continue to privilege our “ruling class”... [thread of threads] 🧐✊🌹🇪🇺 #ColonialViolence #BritishEmpire #ReparationsNow #BlackLivesMatter Image The magnificent #BlackLivesMatter protests are proof of structural racism around the world... This thread ⬇️ shows how the UK Establishment still benefits from slave money, and why it will ALWAYS resist a proper discussion of #history. 😖✊🌹🇪🇺 #Colston #Slavery #RhodesMustFall
Jun 13, 2020 31 tweets 30 min read
A thread about Establishment wealth, reparations, & why the Tories will *always* defend the statues of slavers & Empire racists… 🤨✊🌹🇪🇺 #Colston #reparations #ColonialViolence #resist #slavery #BlackLivesMatter This chap is Richard Drax, Tory MP for South Dorset since 2010. His full name is Richard Grosvenor Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, and he comes from a long line of Tory MPs and other assorted Establishment figures over the centuries. 😋✊🌹🇪🇺 #Drax #ScroogeMcDuck
May 31, 2020 57 tweets 46 min read
A thread about Scotland, solidarity against dictatorship, and the connection between Chilean fascism and the disaster of Brexit. 🧐✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱#NaePasaran #StopFascism #Brexit #ToriesOut #solidarity #history I recently saw the extraordinary film “Nae Pasaran”, a powerful, deeply moving story of Scottish workers standing up to the fascist dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s… 🤓✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱 #NaePasaran #StopFascism #solidarity #Scotland #Chile @debasersfilms @naepasaran
May 27, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
A short thread on whether the honking great bellend @BorisJohnson can reasonably be called “a fascist”… 😖✊🇻🇳🇪🇺 #ToriesOut #BellendusMaximus #CummingsOut #FatbergOfDishonesty I have often posted about the creeping fascism ⬇️ in the Cummings/Johnson regime, & attracted much ridicule from unthinking Brexity types. They are keen to avoid inconvenient factual analysis... 😐✊🇻🇳🇪🇺 #StopFascism #ToriesOut
May 23, 2020 17 tweets 19 min read
A short thread on Tory rotter Cecil Parkinson, illustrating why the Conservative Party must be *destroyed* to save the country… (pic shows him with Mrs Fascister in 1983). 😖✊🇪🇺🇻🇳 #ToriesOut #cad #ToriesLie #COVID19 #Parkinson #rotter #ToryShambles Parkinson was a chartered accountant, and made a pile of money from establishing Parkinson-Hart Securities in 1961. He then entered Parliament in 1970; a normal career path for a Tory obsessed with money & power… 🙄 #ToriesOut #greed #gross 🇪🇺🇻🇳
May 16, 2020 19 tweets 22 min read
A short thread on Tory loon Gerald Howarth, former MP for #Aldershot, summarising his comprehensive awfulness. 😖✊🇪🇺🇻🇳🦠 #ToriesOut #ToriesKill #COVID19 #ToryGenocide Young Gerald showed an early desire to be on the wrong side of history, joining the Conservative Party in 1964 while still a teenager. In that year, the Tories were busy conducting one of the most racist election campaigns ever 😖✊🇪🇺🇻🇳 #ToriesOut #racism

Apr 25, 2020 7 tweets 9 min read
For your convenience, a curated selection of historical evidence proving that the Tory Party must be *destroyed* to save the country... 😖✊🇪🇺🇻🇳🦠 (thread of threads) #ToriesOut #history #crooks #JohnsonMustGo #COVID19 (1) We have been lumbered with the most wretchedly awful “prime minister” in history, largely because of our insane class system... 😠✊🇪🇺🇻🇳 #ToriesOut #JohnsonMustGo #revolting #liars
Apr 18, 2020 47 tweets 37 min read
A thread about the English Establishment, state psychopathy, #COVID19… and why it really matters how people in power think. 🧐✊🇪🇺🇻🇳#history #ToriesOut #resist 🦠 The popular idea of a colonial official during the British Empire days was of a paternal figure dispensing justice and spreading civilisation, as in the 1935 film “Sanders of the River” (see pic), a grossly patronising tale set in colonial #Nigeria... 😬🇳🇬 #BritishEmpire #Korda