Michael A. Horowitz Profile picture
Geopolitical and security analyst, Head of Intel @LeBeckInt. Commentator on international affairs. Columnist for @AlMajallaEN. Views are my own.

Mar 17, 2022, 22 tweets

Thread on #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine - March 17

This morning debris of a Russian missile intercepted by Ukrainian air defenses fell on a residential building in the Darnytsky district. One person was killed, and four injured according to the Kyiv city administration.

Russian shells fell on the town of Merefa near Kharkiv

Russian shelling also hit a house in the Podyl area of Kyiv

From what we're seeing at @LeBeckInt, over the past 24 hours the Russian ground offensive has almost entirely stopped, with some limited exception (mostly Donbass).

But Russian shelling of civilian targets continue.

Not to repeat myself (and what others have noted), but this is really reminiscent of #Syria. When ground offensives start to stall, Russia shifts to attacking "soft" civilian targets to maintain the pressure.

I would not rule out that a temporary "ceasefire" will be offered/negotiated by Russia. This would not play in Kyiv's favor, as it would not stop the shelling, and not tie Russian ground forces who have stopped anyway. When ready, Russian forces will resume their offensives.

Again - typical Russian strategy used in Syria, where cycles of "ceasefires", mass shelling of civilian infrastructure and offensives were used to break defenses, shift attention away from the country and regroup. I am not sure it will work as well in #Ukraine though.

The cruelty here, is that even though the Kyiv likely is aware of this, it is still very difficult for the Ukrainian government not to seriously consider a ceasefire when Russian forces are dropping bombs on civilian shelters.

To counter the West could continue to make sure time doesn't play in Russia's favor, by increasing weapons delivery - Moscow is clearly concerned, as highlighted by the recent strike on the training center near Poland.

10th Mountain Assault Brigade released this image of a strike against a Russian position (undisclosed location)

Today several evacuation corridors will be opened according to Ukrainian sources, including near Kyiv, as well as in Mariupol, Tokmak, Kamianske, and Berdyansk. Aid will also be sent to Kharkiv, and areas near Kyiv (Hostomel, Bucha, Semypolky, Markyvtsi, Opanasiv)

Video released by the Ukrainian armed forces showing a destroyed Russian column near Kharkiv yesterday (with a Vietnam-style vibe/music)

Russian forces crossed the river near Izyum, south of Kharkiv (likely to try and surround the city), but were defeated

More pictures.

Izyum has seen heavy clashes over the past days, with Russian forces positioned north of the Siverskyi river, trying to push south (unsuccessfully). They seem to be trying to move towards Slovyansk but are not managing to do so.

Geolocation of at least some of the pictures:

The commander of Ukraine's land forces visited the frontline near Kyiv, including the village of Moshchun.

Russian forces have tried to take it several times and the village has suffered significant damage (but Ukrainian forces are still holding it)

Pictures of the destruction in Mariupol

Destroyed Russian column in Pryluki in the Chernihiv Region - including a Smerch rocket launcher, the kind that has been firing heavy barrages at civilian areas.

In this area, Russian forces have overextended in an effort to try and reach the eastern outskirts of Kyiv, despite resistance closer to the border. Ukrainian forces are exacting a price for taking such a risk.

A school was hit by shelling in Kharkiv

Russian TORN radio intelligence system destroyed by Ukrainian forces (likely a few days )

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