Long Covid Kids / longcovidkids@bsky.social Profile picture
UK-based international charity supporting & advocating for children & young people with #LongCovid & related conditions. https://t.co/QjkCJVG3tI

Apr 1, 2022, 9 tweets

Jacob is 11 years old & has been unwell since March 21. 2 weeks after #covid19 infection he lost mobility in his legs & required mobility aids alongside physiotherapy twice a wk ever since.

Jacob wants more support for families living with #LongCovidKids


Emily is 9yrs old, she contracted Covid in Sep21. She was admitted to hospital for 13dys in Nov due to severity of her #LongCovidKids symptoms.She now uses a walker as has severe pain in her back & legs.

Emily would like more funding for LC services


Anna is 9yrs old & has had #LongCovidKids for 2yrs.
She uses a wheelchair as has severe pain in her legs when she tries to walk. She feels people are pretending Covid is gone.

Anna is asking the PM and Scottish government to help children like her.


Jasmine is 11 yrs old & has had #LongCovidKids since Jan21.
She misses dance, gymnastics & karate.Jasmine uses a wheelchair as she can't walk long distance.
Jasmine is asking for schools to be made safer for children so that Covid transmission is reduced

Liliana is 17yrs old. she's been living with #LongCovid since Sep 2020. Liliana's concerned about the way that children & parents are being treated by some doctors who don't understand LC/don't believe it effects children.
She asks that the PM listen!


Kitty,16yrs old, had Covid in March 2020. She improved after a few wks but after another month developed #LongCovid. For 5 mths she required help to eat & drink & to use the bathroom. LC has taken a huge toll on her mental health. She is calling on the PM to make tests free again

Eva (Aged 14) has #LongCovidKids following asymptomatic infection. She's concerned that some doctors don't understand & are telling children that they are just anxious or depressed. Eva is calling for more research to find the cause of LC and treatments.

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