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Apr 7, 2022, 10 tweets

Hi #LUNAtics 🌕 and Blockchain lovers!

🔎It's been a while since we did the last on-chain analysis about the #TerraLuna Blockchain ⛓️
(Nov 2021 see here: ).

So, let's have a look how things have evolved. Time for a 🧵!
#cryptocurrency #blockchain


🚀Col-5 was launched on 2021 Sept. 30.

Since then
➡️2,392,470 blocks were produced
➡️97,347,793 txs were processed (523,375 in avg/day)

These transactions contained
➡️ 169,790,068 messages (kind of internal transactions) (912,849 in avg/day)

🔎Let's compare the amount of transactions in the last 24hs with others. (Thx @bscscan, @etherscan, @bitinfocharts, @polygonscan, @TRONSCAN_ORG, @solana )
1) BSC 5,1mio
2) Tron 3,5mio
3) Polygon 3,1mio
4) Solana 1,7mio
5) XRP 1,2mio
6) ETH 1,1mio
7) TERRA 0.6mio

Terra is already processing 52% of Ethereum Transactions per day. That's a great number 🚀🚀🚀

#BinanceSmartChain is still the number 1. Congratulations!

But - just don't compare actual numbers. Let's have a look at the trend!

➡️BSC txs decreased a lot from peak

ad daily txs:
➡️ Terra is catching up - but slowly.
➡️ Tron also increased it's daily txs

See the relative chart bellow 👇

(Data from @bscscan, @etherscan, @polygonscan, @TRONSCAN_ORG)

Transactions are one KPI of blockchains. But more important is the number of active accounts. 🧐

➡️ Terra is showing us a small growth in active accounts. But we can't see any exponential here.

➡️ #LUNAtics more innovation is needed!

Let's compare this with the @terra_money competitors.

➡️ Kudos to #TRON and @justinsuntron 🚀
➡️ Interesting to see, that #TRON shows more active accounts on the same number of txs as @0xPolygon

(Data @etherscan, @polygonscan, @TRONSCAN_ORG - @bscscan was buggy, sorry)

Here is the relative view of active accounts from various blockchains. @trondao's dominance is amazing.


➡️We see, that a lot of projects are launching on #TerraLuna - and the quality of this projects is amazing!
➡️ But: There is still a lot of work to be done, to get more daily active users in the Terra ecosystem.
➡️ #BinanceSmartChain txs per day decreased

ad) Conclusion:

➡️A 27% increase in #TRON transactions since 10/2021 was observed. Also daily active accounts increased and they have the most active accounts in our comparison.

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