louis charbonneau Profile picture
@hrw UN director. @Reuters alum, ex-UN bureau chief. Ex-Detroiter now Queens. Lived in Prague, Vienna, Berlin, HK. @GC_CUNY @GC_PoliSci PhD candidate

Apr 26, 2022, 7 tweets

πŸ‘ Thanks to @LiechtensteinUN for pushing this important initiative to hold permanent members of UN Security Council accountable for vetoes. It's a step in the right direction.

There's been too much misuse of veto by permanent UNSC members, mostly #Russia & US.

Mini thread 🧡

Veto abuse - case 1: #Russia on Feb 26 vetoed UN Security Council resolution demanding that it end its invasion of #Ukraine & withdraw all troops. Under Article 27(3) of UN Charter, Russia, a party to the conflict, should have abstained but did not. πŸ‘Žnews.un.org/en/story/2022/…

Veto abuse - case 2: US has vetoed dozens of resolutions on #Israel & #Palestine. Its most recent was in June 2018.

Recall that @hrw @amnesty @btselem & others have found Israel to be committing crime against humanity of apartheid.


Full list of vetoes by the five permanent UN Security Council members can be found here: un.org/depts/dhl/resg…

(And h/t to @RichardGowan1 for the idea of associating the P5 with "The Usual Suspects" πŸ˜…)

Thanks to today's resolution, from now on P5 members who cast a veto in the UN Security Council will have to explain themselves publicly in an open session of the UN General Assembly.

@NorwayUN has posted a pic of the full resolution on the #VetoInitiative by @LiechtensteinUN here

Veto Abuse -- Case 3: #Russia's 16 vetoes on #Syria since 2011 (many with #China joining in) to protect his ally President Assad from scrutiny & accountability for war crimes & likely crimes against humanity (incl. Syria govt's use of chemical weapons). reuters.com/article/us-syr…

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