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The International Truth and Justice Project - #SriLanka. Documenting torture and sexual violence by the security forces in #lka.

May 8, 2022, 7 tweets

Pls see our report on #stf #lka which cited #sinhalese insiders from the force describing their involvement in whitevan abductions in Colombo & executions in the East.…
#STF should at v least be Leahy vetted by .@USEmbSL & ineligible for @UNPeacekeeping

& it's not just us - UN bodies reported on STF involvement in #torture as far back as 2002: (P30 of report)

IN 2015 UN investigation cited #stf in connection with disappearance & #torture & mentioned their close links to #tamil paramilitaries in the East of #srilanka

Not to mention UN spoke of #stf involvement in an emblematic case - #trinco5 students - which IIGEP investigated & ended up just getting witnesses out of country as process so dire & .@amnestysasia championed as a case. @ThyagiR

Actually (p34…) #stf comes up in so many emblematic cases in #srilanka & also worth mentioning amazing work of .@pmillerinfo on their role in 80s. #lka

Amazing that #stf is not Leahy vetted as a unit tainted by #humanrights abuses its entire history - it should be now .@SenatorLeahy

Irresponsible that @UNPeacekeeping takes #stf to deploy in sensitive war zones without independent vetting & screening.

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