Leyla Amzi-Erdogdular Profile picture
Professor of Middle East & Islamic history @Newark_history @Rutgers_Newark PhD @Columbia | Ottoman Empire | Balkans | migration | tw English, Türkçe, i na našem

Jun 11, 2022, 10 tweets

I assigned films in my Migration in the Middle East class this semester. Here are some favorites in no particular order.👇👇👇
#migration #MiddleEast #refugees #migrants #twitterstorians

Turtles Can Fly (Bahman Ghobadi, 2004)

My Grandfather’s People (Çağan Irmak, 2011)

When I saw you (Annemarie Jacir, 2012)

House of Sand and Fog (Vadim Perelman, 2003)

Baran (Majid Majidi, 2001)

Amreeka (Cherien Dabis, 2009)

Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi, 2007)

For a Moment, Freedom (Arash T. Riahi, 2008)

Free Men (Ismaël Ferroukhi, 2011)

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