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Jun 16, 2022, 9 tweets

If you're wondering why so many Bat coronaviruses seem to emerge from one research group in China, this paper provides a clue.


It involves our usual friends... and a "novel" bat coronavirus called 4991

There is just a little itty bit of a problem.
In "discovering" Bat Cov-4991 they didn't actually discover a virus.
More likely, they made one.

You see, they published complete gene sequences of the "bat viruses" in their paper, including spike sequences.

But not 4991.
Oh no, they didn't happen to have the complete sequence of that one. Just the RdRp.



So it seems likely that the only reason that 4991 exists (well the RdRp only) is to form a cover for a manufactured coronavirus. There is no other explanation. No more of the genome of this exists.

(24 hr link blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?CMD=…)

What drew my attention to this?
Well 4991 was used by certain members of #DRASTIC to publish a paper that promoted the assumption that #RaTG13 was real. It isn't.

So why promote the idea?

#RaTG13 was touted as the precursor of #SARSCoV2 but it is fake. It didn't appear in Genbank until after SC2. It doesn't appear in ANY research papers before SC2.

Anybody promoting RaTG13 as real is acting to protect the makers of the #covid19 virus.

Which suggests to me that the authors - who seem very close - are promoting a narrative of deflection.

Of course, I might be wrong.

There are many write-ups on the fakery of RaTG13 - including from our very own favourite @Daoyu15 but this one is relatively easy to read.


And just to clarify, I am not claiming that 4991 is fake. Quite to the contrary. I am claiming it was one of many attempts to make viral subgenomes by the WIV in preparation for the "big one".

So I'll leave it there.
@jjcouey @CharlesRixey feel free to disagree, this is science

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