Abhi Prajapati Profile picture
20 | SDE Intern @ Lampros Tech Labs | Web Developer | PDEU (ICT'24) | Tweets about Web Development | DM for Website related work !

Jul 1, 2022, 54 tweets

From today I'm starting posting contents related to Web Development and Computer Science in general. Hope you'll like it and share it.
#javascript #webdeveloper

Global Execution Context
#javascript #webdevelopment

Hoisting Example
#javascript #webdevelopment

Hoisting Example
#javascript #webdevelopment

Lexical Environment and Scope
#javascript #webdevelopment

Difference between var, let and const
#javascript #webdevelopment

Closure Example
#javascript #webdevelopment

setTimeout example
#javascript #webdev

Garbage Collector
#javascript #webdevelopment

Function Statement
#javascript #webdevelopment #HTML #CSS

Function Expression
#javascript #webdevelopment #html #CSS

Anonymous Function
#javascript #webdevelopment #html #CSS

Named Function Expression
#javascript #webdevelopment #html #CSS

Difference between Parameters and Arguments
#javascript #webdevelopment #html #CSS

First Class Functions/Citizens
#javascript #webdevelopment #html #CSS

JavScript Runtime Environment
#javascript #webdevelopment #html #CSS

If you think this thread has helped you then share it with your friends and follow me @abhip05 for more content around Web Development and Computer Science in general.

Also thank you for all the support you've given me in 2022 and I hope it will continue in 2023 also 🙏.
Happy New Year Everyone 🎉🎉🎉

#HappyNewYear2023 #Thankyou2022

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